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Die Brücke: towards a new didactic.

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Presentation on theme: "Die Brücke: towards a new didactic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Die Brücke: towards a new didactic

2 Why this title? Working together Common objecties
Improvement of competence in the two subjects

3 How the project has born
Final examination (that includes a written and a oral assessment on all the subjects Planning of the two subjects involved (Art and foreign Language) Artistic and literars european movements

4 Why the German language?
German language as communication language for contents Austrian and German art in the school syllabus of art

5 Students of a final school year
The Actors Teachers of German language and of Art Students of a final school year

6 GOALS Activation of a learning itinerary through modular didactic
For the teachers: Activation of a learning itinerary through modular didactic Self evaluation of our metodology in a sinergy relationship between the two subjects

7 For the students: Development of functional competence in the foreign language Experimental relationship with the teacher and the school friends Raising in motivation of the educational offer

8 INNOVATIONS New methodological approach Active didactic
New trends of instruments and materials New feeling towards european culture

9 The students are protagonist of the learning process

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