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The Rain Forest By:Samuel and Matthew.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rain Forest By:Samuel and Matthew."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rain Forest By:Samuel and Matthew

2 What is a rain forest? A rain forest is a place that has a lot of trees. It also has lots of different kinds of animals. Most of the animals in the world are found in the rain forest.

3 Location of Rain Forests
The rain forests are scattered all around the world along the equator. The largest rain forest is in South America and it is called the Amazon Rain Forest.

4 Emergent Layer The emergent layer is the highest part of the rainforest. Not many of the larger animals live in the emergent layer. Some of these animals are the Harpy Eagle, sloth, and the Toucan.

5 Birds

6 Canopy Layer The canopy layer is where most of the animals live in the rainforest. Some of these animals are the howler monkey, Boa constrictor, the jaguar, and the ocelot.

7 Snakes

8 Understory Layer The understory is where the small trees grow that don’t quite reach the canopy. The animals in the under story layer are the red-eye tree frog, capuchin, squirrel monkey, and the tree porcupine.

9 Ocelots

10 Forest Floor The animals that live on the forest floor are the jaguar, armadillo, tapir, and lots of bugs.

11 Frogs

12 J umpy A ttacks animals G ood hunter U nstoppable A gile R oars fearlessly

13 flowers

14 Deforestation Many people are cutting down rainforest every day.
They are cutting down trees for money, ranches, farms, roads, and fire wood. If there is no rainforest that means no more animals or oxygen.

15 People of the Rain Forest
Rainforest people use all of the rainforest resources.The people of the rainforest have a very deep understanding with how the rainforest works. They only use what they need.

16 Conclusion In conclusion we think that the rainforest should be saved and the trees should be saved.

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