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7A Literacy Mrs. Glapa Room 700

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1 7A Literacy Mrs. Glapa Room 700
Do Now: Collect the sheet from the counter and begin working on it Sit quietly at the desk with your number while you work on the assignment from the counter Hank, give each student a firm handshake on day one. Look in eye to show you see them, do not smile too much, and tell them what to do firmly.

2 Complete the assignment You have 8 minutes
First Day of School Complete the assignment You have 8 minutes

3 Behavior Steps Warning Educational Assignment Early Morning School
9th Period Dean Referral

4 12th year of teaching Coached Soccer for 8 years 2nd year at SCMS
About Me 12th year of teaching Coached Soccer for 8 years 2nd year at SCMS

5 About Me Read Bike Hang out with my family Play Soccer with my kids
University of Mississippi Football Games

6 My Favorite Novels




10 I want to be successful in 7th grade because _____.
The most helpful and effective teachers are the ones who _____. The most helpful classmates are the ones who _____. One of my areas of strength in Writing is _____. One of my areas of weakness in Writing is _____. I ___________ to write. To produce my best writing, I need ________. Writing is important because __________. Now that the sticky notes are complete, count off to form eight groups.

11 Join your group at the matching station.
Team #1 starts at Sentence #1. Team #2 starts at Sentence #2. Team #3 starts at Sentence #3. And so on...

12 Introduce yourself to your teammates.
At the station, discuss your answer with your teammates. Ask each other questions about why those answers were chosen. When finished, post all of your sticky notes on the wall near the sentence starter. You’ll have two minutes before moving to the next station.

13 You should now be back at your original station.
What a mess of sticky notes! Organize the notes into similar themes or ideas. (Example: If eight people said they want to do well in 7th grade in order to impress parents, group those answers together. And so on...)

14 Let’s discuss. What were the three most common responses used to finish your team’s sentence starter?

15 Collect the Index Card from counter Set it up like the one below
Bell Work: Collect the Index Card from counter Set it up like the one below Begin filling out the card regarding what made you Mad, Sad, Glad, and something that was Rad over the summer break. Make sure you restate the question before answering it. Put your name on back. Example: I was glad over the summer break when I got to sleep in every morning and stay up late watching Netflix.

16 The anchor person in the group needs to go to the counter and grab one sheet per person at their group. Do this quickly and quietly.

17 I was mad over the break when I did not read as many books as I had wanted to read.
The raddest thing that happened over the summer break was going swimming everyday. I was sad when summer ended because I won’t be able to hang out with my kids as often. I was glad over the break when I got to go to the aquarium in Chattanooga.

18 Classroom Routines Bell Work - there will be Bell Work every class. Failure to complete Bell Work in the correct amount of time will result in the lowering of your participation grade Entering Class - you will be quiet when entering the classroom. There will typically be work to collect on the counter (you will lose participation points if you forget to collect the work). You start Bell Work right when you sit down. Leaving Class - you do not leave class when the bell rings. You leave class when I say, “You may go.” I will only say, “You may go,” when everyone is seating and quiet. You, as a whole class, determine what time you leave the classroom. Talking or not sitting will result in me waiting to give you permission to leave. Turning in Work - you will always turn work into the box with your class period on it. You will never hand me your work or put it on my desk. Using the Restroom -Emergencies ONLY

19 Classroom Expectations
Tardiness - you are tardy if you are not seated and working on Bell Work before the bell rings. If you are standing, sitting and doing nothing, or out of the classroom when the bell rings, you are tardy. 3 tardies result in a Dean Referral. Cell Phone Usage - you are not permitted to bring your phone into the classroom unless being used for educational purposes that day. If your phone goes off in class, it is collected and turned into the front office. After it is collected a certain amount of times, the school keeps your phone for 5 days. We, as a 7th Grade, have a strict cell phone policy. You are not permitted to be on your cell phone in the hall - this is different from 6th grade. Movement During Class - there is no need for further movement during class, unless an activity requires it. No one gets up to throw away trash--trash is kept at each desk for deposit in the trash can at the end of class. No one balls up paper in preparation for a visit to the trash can. If they "mess up their paper," they put aside the whole sheet for disposal at the end of class.

20 Classroom Expectations
Bringing Materials and Supplies to Class - if you do not bring in the appropriate materials that are listed on the board outside of my door, you will NOT be allowed to leave class and get them. Even if it an important assignment that is due that day, you will not be allowed to leave the classroom and retrieve it. Asking Questions - If you have a question, you must raise your hand. If you talk without doing this, you will get a warning. The next time you talk at an inappropriate time, you will go in the behavior log. Behavior - Disrespectful or inappropriate comments will receive a consequence.

21 Success Criteria: I can write and draw about my feelings towards writing in order to showcase my love or hate for it.

22 How I Feel About Writing assignment
Must be at least two paragraphs (4-6 sentences per paragraph) Tell how you feel about writing. Do you love to write? Do you journal? Does writing stress you out? Do you hate writing? Explain your feelings about writing. Then, draw your face that shows your feelings towards writing.

23 Bell Work: Collect the sheet from the counter On the back of the sheet, write responses to the below questions: 1) Have you ever made a goal for yourself? 2) What was the goal? 3) What is a goal a teacher may have for this school year? 4) What could be a goal for today at school?

24 Why should you create a goal?
Should you set hard or easy goals? Why? Why is setting an educational goal important? What is an example of a writing goal?



27 My Writing and Personal Goals
A goal is a future achievement with a timely deadline you can work towards. A goal is a thought with a commitment to make it real. Requirements Each goal must have at least 2 paragraphs to explain why you have that goal, and what you are going to do to achieve it. So, you will have 4 paragraphs total. 1) Writing Goal What is one goal you have in regards to your writing? What writing skill do you want to learn and develop this year? 2) Personal Goal What is one personal goal you have in regards to your interests, hobbies, or extracurricular activities? How do you want to get better at this?

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