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Species, Communities & Ecosystems

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Presentation on theme: "Species, Communities & Ecosystems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Species, Communities & Ecosystems




5 Compare these invasive species:
Ligustrum sinense Elaeagnus umbellata Triadica sebifera Vitex rotundifolia Lonicera japonica Pueraria montana














19 Food webs show all of the feeding relationships within a habitat.
Read this research article and generate a food web. The state of the oceans, part 2: Delving deeper into the sea's bounty. John Tibbetts This is a good thing.

20 Food webs show all of the feeding relationships within a habitat.
Read this research article and generate a food web. The state of the oceans, part 2: Delving deeper into the sea's bounty. John Tibbetts This is a good thing.

21 Food webs show all of the feeding relationships within a habitat.

22 Food webs show all of the feeding relationships within a habitat.









31 Design an Ecosystem Project Groups of 3 - 4
You must design an ecosystem that will can be sustained in a sealed mesocosm for the next month. Requirements - Utilize at least two plastic bottles in your ecosystem - Include a terrestrial and an aquatic ecosystem in the sealed mesocosm - The two environments must be able to interact with each other (i.e. nutrients must be able to move between them) - Consider some aspect that you would like to test each week about your ecosystem and plan for testing it each Friday. (dissolved O2, CO2, Soil pH, Temperature, Nitrates) First Step – Do research using the following terms “Ecocolumn”, “Sealed Mesocosm”, “Biology In a Bottle” to get ideas. Sketch out a plan for how you want to construct your Ecosystem. Remember the nutrients that need to be cycled through the ecosystems! Second Step – Gather the materials for construction of your mesocosm. If you would like any fish or small invertebrates to live in your ecosystem, you need to provide them. I have the following : Gravel, Water Plants, Water, Soil, Netting, Bottles, Tape, Scissors, Terrestrial Plants Third Step – Implement your design! Set up each of the mesocosms in a sink (in case they leak), and observe the variable you decided to measure each week!

32 First Step – Do research using the following terms “Ecocolumn”, “Sealed Mesocosm”, “Biology In a Bottle” to get ideas. Sketch out a plan for how you want to construct your Ecosystem. Remember the nutrients that need to be cycled through the ecosystems! Second Step – Gather the materials for construction of your mesocosm. If you would like any fish or small invertebrates to live in your ecosystem, you need to provide them. I have the following : Gravel, Water Plants, Water, Soil, Netting, Bottles, Tape, Scissors, Terrestrial Plants Third Step – Implement your design! Set up each of the mesocosms in a sink (in case they leak), and observe the variable you decided to measure each week!

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