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Mrs. Jill magnante 10 CP: College Preparatory English

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1 Mrs. Jill magnante 10 CP: College Preparatory English
I do want to emphasize the college preparatory nature of this course. I realize that at 15 or so years old, it can be hard to grasp how quickly that time will come, and yet while students still have time to grow and develop, that development should be a progression rather than a drastic leap in the final year. Mrs. Jill magnante 10 CP: College Preparatory English Back To School Night Room B-31

2 Reading Work in this course is designed to create a scholarly environment in which students are challenged to examine a range of texts closely. Fictional and informational texts should be read independently and proficiently. Independent preparation and thought is critical to communication of ideas and collaboration with others. Collaboration and communication are critical to student success in both college and career. Collaboration truly is the model for modern business and education. This course is designed to fulfill UC and Cal State entrance requirements, and work in this course is designed to create a scholarly environment in which students are challenged to read a range of texts closely. This close reading certainly requires both comprehension and critical thinking or analysis. Students are expected to read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. This initial preparation is critical to the success of collaborative discussion and activities. Collaborative activities and discussions stimulate critical thinking, offer multiple perspectives, and extend learning beyond what students might accomplish independently. Furthermore, it strengthens communication skills, a critical element for college and career success.

3 Writing Writing is a frequent activity, and it serves a variety of purposes. Journals and brief written responses On-demand writing/brief essays College and career oriented writing tasks Extended essays emphasizing writing as a process Benchmark Assessment—Extended research based “controversial issue” paper using APA format. Parents will approve the topic for the controversial issue, and keep in mind that this reflects a topic that works well for argument writing, where students will work through developing strong, logical arguments.

4 Writing is a lifelong project
Mastery of formal written expression and style is an ongoing and lifelong process. We have high expectations of students, and my goal is that each student be given the opportunity and support necessary to improve in these skills throughout the course. Frequent practice Emphasis on the writing process Workshops to develop self-analysis skills Constructive feedback Attention to both content and structure or technical elements Conferencing with students Writing is still developmental, but by 10th grade, students are expected to have a reasonable command of the basic structure and purpose of the different genres of academic writing. If your student is struggling with writing, please encourage him or her to give it a strong effort, and seek extra support from me. I use many strategies, including workshops and in-class one-on-one conferencing (because this class is such a manageable size) but more importantly, my door is always open. I am in my room most days before and after school, and before lunch, and I often check my even from home if I know that my students are working on writing.

5 Why WORLD Literature? American and British literature represent the development of many of our cultural values, and it reflects the history of western civilization and timeless accounts of thematic issues that relate to the human condition and development of our own culture and society. However, by studying literature from other cultures as well, students are able to see common themes that relate to all of humanity, but they are also able to see how different cultures and their practices influence the theme and perspectives in literature and other forms of writing. This helps to reinforce the common bonds we share while also helping students to see multiple perspectives and appreciate the stories of experiences of many cultures. The texts are often unfamiliar and complex for many students. They offer the kind of challenge and intellectual stimulation appropriate for this college preparatory course.

6 Policies—These were covered in the Guidelines, and extra copies are available
Attendance and Tardiness—School and district policies will be followed. Late Work—I do accept late work according to the policies set forth in the guidelines. Grades— “Points” Method—grades are not weighted by category, but rather by the natural weight of some assignments being given a higher point value than others. Choosing not to complete a small ten point assignment is the same as choosing to take a 10% deduction on a 100 point test. Every point, and more importantly, every opportunity to learn matters. My philosophy regarding late work is one of encouraging students not to avoid what is difficult for them, which is often what I see with students who do not complete written work, especially. There are exceptions, such as reading quizzes or seminar preparation, which is to reinforce the idea that lack of preparation for group discussion and collaborative work hurts not just the student, but the entire group.

7 Tips for Student Success:
Be organized Be prepared Participate in the process Be an advocate for yourself Ask for help in class and make use of “office hours” Strive for excellence

8 High expectations = high achievement
I set high academic expectations in my classroom because I believe that students will not see what they are capable of achieving until they challenge themselves to excel. This success, however, does not come without support. Kids are not on their own, and though I expect students to be responsible, independent learners, I will facilitate the opportunity to learn and provide the necessary encouragement and support that can result in growth for each and every student. Of course, that growth looks different in every student, and so I strongly encourage students not to compare themselves to others but to compare their growth over time. When students do this, it allows every student to be successful. Please encourage your student to work hard and strive for growth and improvement throughout this course. If at any time, you have questions or concerns, know that I welcome communication with you and value the opportunity to work in partnership to ensure each student’s success.

9 Communication My website:

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