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ERWC: Vocabulary List Seven.

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1 ERWC: Vocabulary List Seven

2 Ambiguous Adjective (Ambiguity : Noun: State of being unclear)
Unclear/Open to interpretation He made an ambiguous comment about firing someone, but he didn’t specify who, so we were all worried.

3 Averse Adjective Strongly against something
As a rule, I am averse to any and all reality television.

4 (The) Capacity Noun The potential/ability to do something
Everyone has the capacity to graduate high school; however, some people are lazy.

5 Eschew Verb To avoid something
Normally, I eschew Wal-Mart at any cost.

6 Enunciate Verb To speak clearly/pronounce clearly
When giving a speech, one must be sure to enunciate so people can understand you.

7 Impartial Adjective Unbiased
Opposite: Partial (Biased) It is important for a judge to be impartial, otherwise the accused does not get a fair trial.

8 Mellifluous Adjective Sweet-sounding
The crying infant was soothed by his mother’s mellifluous song.

9 Obliterate Verb To destroy
Can be literal or figurative I obliterated several buildings in Call of Duty. The Warriors obliterated the Cavs a few nights ago.

10 Mitigate Verb To make less severe
Kind of like “ameliorate,” except it isn’t necessarily “to make better”—just not as bad. The fact that there was a spider on his arm mitigated the fact that he shrieked and wept for 45 minutes.

11 Presumptuous Adjective Over-confident in one’s ideas or opinions
It was presumptuous of him to believe that she would obviously want to go out with him.

12 Refute Verb To prove wrong
Macaulay Culkin used Twitter to refute the claims that he was dead.

13 Urbane Adjective Fancy/sophisticated/cultured
The urbane gentleman’s top hat and monocle set him apart from the other guests.

14 Grammar Nuance Affect vs. Effect Affect: Verb
This will definitely affect the outcome. How does this affect me? Effect: Noun—You cannot “effect” something. What are the side effects? That was an unexpected effect.

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