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About Myself… This will be my Fourth year teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "About Myself… This will be my Fourth year teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 About Myself… This will be my Fourth year teaching.
This will be my second year teaching Tx History. Before that I taught 6th grade social studies Coach Volleyball, Track, Soccer Graduated from Texas A&M University in WHOOP! I have 2 dogs…Wes & Lily

2 Classroom Policies & Procedures
Coach Jackson Room 111

3 Entering the classroom
Calmly Please wait at the door if I’m not there and when entering, walk straight to your desk to put your belongings down. Grab only YOUR notebook Sit in your assigned seat and start on warm-up (should start without me telling you)

4 Rules… 1. BE RESPECTFUL to your teacher, classmates and school 2. Do your best, ALWAYS!! 3. COME TO CLASS PREPARED!! (Pens, Pencils, notebook, etc..)

5 Resource Walls Texas maps United States Government Monthly Calendar
Word Wall Missing / Make Up Work – Red fold down Instead of Don’t Know… Sentence stems, Thinking Maps, Texas Maps ALL WALLS ARE FAIR GAME FOR TESTING – So know your way around the classroom

6 Interactive Notebooks
The Goal: To have one, collective, neat compilation of your work for you to refer back to. The Outcome: There is a direct correlation with high notebook grades, high 9-week grades, and high EOC grades. We will work on your organization skills to improve your study habits.

7 Interactive Notebooks
Organization will go a long way Keep your notebook in chronological order (no blank pages) Use on most tests It is YOUR responsibility to keep your notebook organized and neat Notebook checks – every couple weeks

8 Assignment Due Dates Missing assignments will be a 0 in the gradebook
A 60 is better than a 0!!! So turn SOMETHING in!!! Example: 5 total grades: 100, 100, 100, 100, 60 = 92 average 100, 100, 100, 100, 0 = 80 average 12 point difference!!! 1st day late = -10 points 2nd day late = -20 points 3rd day late = -30 points 4th day late = -40 points 5th day late = 0 on the assignment (see me for make up work)

9 Missing / Make Up Work Found in the Red Hanging Folders
There should be extra copies If not, ask me ASAP Let me know if you were out, please don’t expect me to remind you to get your make up work!

10 BYOD – What, When, Why? STOP sign NON BYOD days
Red – absolutely NO devices ABOSULTELY NO…video games, Facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. Any device out (even during advisory) will be taken to the office – NO EXCUSES Yellow – for resource information Calculators, dictionaries Green – BYOD lesson (only used for instructional purposes) NON BYOD days 1st offense – warning 2nd offense – phone to office – parent pick up 3rd offense – phone to office – parent pick up & $15 charge

11 Student Discipline Sheets
Student Discipline – Solving Problems 1 page Students fills them out Offenses… 1st – warning 2nd – student conference and discipline sheet 3rd – parent conference – review discipline sheet 4th – referral – discipline sheets sent to the office

12 Student Discipline Sheet Example

13 HALL PASSES I have passes hanging by the door Library Restroom Bubble
Do not abuse your time out of class or you will lose it! Supplies Supplies Supplies

14 Leaving the Class Please pick up the classroom before you leave
Notebooks away neatly Textbooks away neatly No trash/pens/pencils on floor No trash left in the desks Pet peeve of mine: When students line up at the door before the bell rings. Please wait wait at your desk for the bell.

15 Good or Bad??

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