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Highlighting& Marking Review of Chapter 15

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Presentation on theme: "Highlighting& Marking Review of Chapter 15"— Presentation transcript:

1 Highlighting& Marking Review of Chapter 15

2 Overview

3 The more writing, the better the recall

4 (More) Study and Review Strategies for ACTIVE Learning through Writing
Chapter 18 (More) Study and Review Strategies for ACTIVE Learning through Writing


6 When to Paraphrase

7 How to Paraphrase

8 Is paraphrasing a useful strategy for this reading?
Equal civil rights for blacks came about because some individuals fought hard and demanded those rights, not because the government initiated equal rights for all.

9 Is paraphrasing a useful strategy for this reading?
The cavity in the inner ear that controls balance is made up of two parts: 1) 3 tubes that have hairs connected to nerve fibers a) when we move our head at an angle, these tubes sense the change 2) 2 pouches filled with gel. Inside the gel are stones a) when we move in a straight line, these pouches respond

10 To Create Self-Test Questions

11 Keeping a Learning Journal: What to Include

12 SQ3R

13 SQ3R

14 SQ3R

15 SQ3R

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