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The Early Roman Religion (Chapter 4)

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1 The Early Roman Religion (Chapter 4)
By: Clarissa Papenfuse (pg )

2 Intro. gods/goddesses approving head priests and magistrates
religio- refers to the relationship between men and the spirits (religion)

3 The Nature Spirits numina- nature spirits
fields, springs, rivers, trees, the wind, and the heavens bad harvest, a flood, the death of a child, or defeat in battle prayers, offerings, and sacrifices many different gods & goddesses Numa created special orders of priests/priestesses

4 The Nature Spirits (Continued)
pontifices- religious advisor to the Roman leaders flamens- priests/priestesses attached to one god/goddess Vestal Virgins- guarders of the public hearth augurs- watch the birds for approval from the god/ess haruspexes- examined animal entrails

5 The Vestal Virgins 7-30 years
Vesta- goddess of the hearth paterfamilias prayed and offered to her eldest daughter’s job Numa created them 2-4-6 girls 7-30 years kept/prevented fire & prepared sacrifices most didn’t marry

6 The Greek Pantheon pantheon- family of gods/goddesses Zeus to Jupiter
Poseidon to Neptune Apollo to Apollo Hades to Pluto Hera to Juno Demeter to Ceres

7 The Greek Pantheon (Continued)
Hestia to Vesta Athena to Minerva Ares to Mars Artemis to Diana Aphrodite to Venus Hephaestus to Vulcan

8 The Temples first one honors Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva
tall, rectangular, high base, steps, pillars, and gabled roof portico- a deep columned porch cella- a windowless rectangular room statue representing the god/goddess treasures in underground chambers traders with sacrifices

9 The Temples (Continued)
Vesta’s temple was circular with the hearth replacing the cella entering east

10 Beginnings of Drama ludi Romani- a religious festival held in Rome annually during September in honor of Jupiter “roman games”. plays near temples Livius Andronicus- a Greek brought to Rome as a prisoner of war. He translated plays and is considered the originator of Latin Literature

11 Beginnings of Drama (Continued)
Plautus- wrote many lively comedies and inspired A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

12 Household Spirits lares- The spirits of dead ancestors that guarded the family luck penates- Spirits that protected the storehouse and were worshiped to ensure a plentiful supply of food genius- A special guardian deity that bound one generation to the next lararium- Household shrine that looks like a small cupboard in the main room

13 The Roman Way of Death the family of a newly deceased Roman made a sacrifice to the lares to purify the house Paterfamilias would spit out nine black beans indicating magic words to persuade any lingering bad spirits to leave the body was burned ashes of the dead were placed in a clay urn got a slab of stone or a small house

14 The Roman Way of Death (Continued)
manes- the souls of a family’s deceased loved ones death masks of the deceased selfie Parentalia- an annual festival held each February in which family members visited graves of relatives

15 Thanks To: Art, Suzanne S. "Chapter 4- The Early Roman Religion." The Story of Ancient Rome. 2nd ed. N.c.: Wayside, Iii-189. Print.

16 The End!!!

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