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Elements of Fiction Plot, theme & main idea

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1 Elements of Fiction Plot, theme & main idea
Welcome! More practice! Elements of Fiction Plot, theme & main idea

2 Plot Review Moveable pieces? In your breakout room, you will move the pieces to the correct parts of the plot. Think about what happens as a story unfolds.

3 What are we doing today? We will… PA State Standards ~ Reading Fiction Practice identifying the Elements of fiction & plot: Exposition/introduction Rising Action & falling action Climax Resolution Conflict Theme Main Idea A.1.3 Make inferences, draw conclusions, and make generalizations based on text. A.1.4 Identify and explain main ideas and relevant details. B.1.1 Interpret, compare, describe, analyze, and evaluate components of fiction and literary nonfiction.

4 It’s important to know…
conflict – resolution - setting - plot – exposition - climax - theme - main idea - Use chats to have students help define. …what these terms mean!

5 It’s also important to know…
Climax: Rising Action: Falling Action: Theme Main Idea Moveable pieces? Resolution: Introduction/Exposition …where they belong!

6 Keren’s Flying Trapeze by T.C. Henderson
Before we read… Keren’s Flying Trapeze by T.C. Henderson Ideas? Thoughts? Predictions?

7 Keren loved going to the circus
Keren loved going to the circus. Her favorite part of the show was the trapeze act. To Keren, nothing seemed more fun or freeing than flying through the air on a swing.      “Mom, it would be so cool if I could have a trapeze class for my birthday party,” Keren said. “I heard that Tremaine Thompson had one last year, and kids still haven’t stopped talking about it.”      “Keren, are you sure you want to try to use a trapeze? It may look like fun, but I think it may be higher off the ground than you realize,” Mom said.      “Of course I am, Mom!” Keren said excitedly. “I have wanted to be on a flying trapeze since the first time we went to the circus when I was two. Does this mean I can have the class for my birthday?”      “I don’t know, Keren. I’ll have to research the safety of these things first,” Mom replied.      “Mom, it’s definitely safe! That’s what those nets are for,” Keren giggled.

8 The next month Keren got her wish
The next month Keren got her wish. Her birthday party was held at the Town Lakes Trapeze School. Keren and her friends were equally excited about the class.      “This place is so cool,” Amerie said as they climbed the ladder to the platform. “I never thought I would get to fly through the air on a trapeze. Thanks so much for inviting me, Keren!”      “No problem,” Keren said, climbing onto the trapeze. “I’m excited to share it with. . . .” Keren gasped as she looked down toward the ground.

9 “What’s wrong, Keren. ” Toni said. “Nothing
“What’s wrong, Keren?” Toni said.      “Nothing. I guess I just didn’t realize how far up we would be.”      “Keren, are you okay with doing this?” Valerie, their instructor, asked.      “Of course I am, Valerie!” Keren replied shakily. “I’ve waited for this day for all of my life.”      “Look at you,” Amerie said. “You’re shaking like a leaf.”      “I’m j-j-just a little cold,” Keren whispered. “I’ll be fine.”      “Keren, just take deep breaths. If you aren’t comfortable using the trapeze, you don’t have to,” Mom said.      “Close your eyes if you have to,” said Valerie. “Once you relax, we can go as slowly as you want. When you let go, you’re going to love the trapeze like you thought you would.”

10 Which of the following best describes the plot of this story?
Keren has always wanted to fly on a trapeze, but her mom worries about it not being safe and will not let her do it. Amerie and Toni want to fly on a trapeze for their birthdays, so Keren agrees to go along even though she's afraid. Keren is jealous of Tremaine Thompson's birthday party, so she begs her mom to let her have a better one at Town Lakes Trapeze. Keren has always dreamed of flying on a trapeze, but she doesn't understand how far up the swing actually is until it's too late. D

11 What happens when Keren climbs on the trapeze?
Amerie catches a cold. She gets more excited. She gets frightened. Mom tells her not to go. C

12 What is the cause of Keren's problem in the story?
Keren is afraid of heights. Toni is jealous of Keren's party. Amerie is honest with her. Keren's mom is mean to her. A

13 What is one possible solution to Keren's problem?
Keren could calm down, close her eyes, and climb on the trapeze. Amerie could make fun of Keren for being afraid of the trapeze. Mom, Amerie, and Valerie could fly on the trapeze without Keren. Valerie could push Keren off the platform, and Mom could catch her. A

14 The Dancing Monkeys   A prince had some monkeys trained to dance. They were great at copying men's actions. They were very good students. When dressed in their rich clothes and masks, they danced as well as any of the courtiers. People believed they were human dancers. The dance was often repeated to great applause. That is until a mischievous courtier took a handful of nuts and threw them upon the stage. At the sight of the nuts, the monkeys forgot their dancing. They became (as indeed they were) monkeys instead of actors. They pulled off their masks and began tearing their robes. They fought one another for the nuts. The dancing came to an end among the laughter and anger of the audience. adapted from "The Dancing Monkeys" by Aesop

15 What is the theme of "The Dancing Monkeys"?
Everything that you see is not what it appears to be. The monkeys did what the prince told them to do. Animals have hidden talents, such as dancing. The monkeys were good at copying men's actions.

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