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The GACSA Annual Forum   Co-Chairs Consultation Synthesis Report

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1 The GACSA Annual Forum   Co-Chairs Consultation Synthesis Report

2 Consultation Purpose and Methodology
“The Primary rationale for the consultations exercise was: To facilitate open and candid reflections on GACSA’s inception year experiences – achievements, weakness and challenges; “Setting–the-stage” to embrace lessons in the planning for GACSA’s Year 2; Reflect on emerging issues and trends in the global public discourse so as to ensure GACSA is appropriately responsive. The approach and methodology Designed as an open and inclusive exercise; Reflective with a focus on unearthing lessons; Exercise was undertaken during the period January to May 2016; The exercise involved: A consultation retreat held in Rome in January 2016; Written submissions by several members and interest groups; One-on-one dialogue with some members; Consultations with Permanent Representatives to FAO in May 2016. The synthesis is a record of the observations, views and expectations of GACSA members and interest groups. The intention is that outcomes of the consultations will inform GACSA’s Year 2 priorities and operational thrust.

3 The synthesis is presented under five key issues, namely:
Key insights The synthesis is presented under five key issues, namely: GACSA value addition and governance The GACSA Framework Document Engaging the CSOs, Private sector and other constituencies/processes Adaptation Vs mitigation Vs productivity Communication and advocacy

4 1. GACSA value addition and governance
Key insights 1. GACSA value addition and governance GACSA value addition Light governance structure Functional Arms of GACSA Membership to GACSA Linkages and mutual interactions with Regional CSA Alliances Linkages and interactions with other partners Alliances, networks and organisations 2. GACSA Framework document Revising the Framework Document? Modalities to embrace lessons and sustain the agility of GACSA Taking note and care of GACSA growth process (branding)

5 4. Adaptation & Mitigation & Productivity
Key insights 3. Engaging the CSOs, Private sector and other constituencies/processes Community-based organisations Engaging with the UN processes Engaging the Private sector 4. Adaptation & Mitigation & Productivity CSA context-specific Relevancy of the three pillars (mutual inclusivity) CSA and high-input farming Engaging the Private sector 5. Communication and Advocacy Critical feature of GACSA’s business model Communicating CSA and GACSA Facilitating dialogue, learning and consultations

6 Summary Consultations have been broad, with a variety of views being brought forward. This has been a learning process for the Co-chairs and GACSA. It is our aspiration that the issues raised will trigger new perspectives on how to transform GASCSA from its initial focus on administrative issues to a strong platform for action. Consultations captured two important global trends – reiterated in the Finance for Development Conference in Addis Ababa, the 2030 Agenda and the Cop21.  First, change is necessary in order to establish a food secure planet. Second, strategic partnerships across sectors and professions are called for to bring about transformational change. We believe GACSA with its commitment and diverse membership, is uniquely placed to address issues of food security in the face of climate change. In our view, the broad membership of GASCA heralds new opportunities for a planet that is severely shaken. Let’s grab these opportunities.

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