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HaYesod The Foundation Presented by: Juan Melendez

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1 HaYesod The Foundation Presented by: Juan Melendez
House of the Scriptures First Fruit of Zion

2 Lesson V Our Call – His Yoke
Lesson Overview & Purpose Discipleship! The purpose of this lesson is to learn about the high calling of discipleship and how discipleship was part of Jewish life and learning in the days of the apostles. Discipleship to Yeshua requires the believer to take on the commandments of God and learn to identify himself with the Land, the People and the Scriptures of Israel. Main Bible Verses: 1 John 2:5-6; Luke 6:40 Main Points Discipleship is the art of imitation Discipleship is a relationship with a teacher Discipleship to Yeshua includes Torah Discipleship to Yeshua is high and difficult calling

3 Lesson V Our Call – His Yoke
What is a disciple? A disciple, talmid (תלמ׳ד) is a student. Yeshua was a rabbi who spent his time teaching his disciples. Today we have a call to join Him as disciples and this is a high calling. A disciple was a student who apprenticed himself from a rabbi or sage (a Torah teacher). It was the primary form of high education in the Jewish community in those days. Disciples had absolute dedication and loyalty for their teachers To be a disciple is a fulltime call. Yeshua refers to the demands of discipleship as a “yoke” which in rabbinic teaching is a metaphor for Torah. Yeshua said that his “yoke” was easy, but He also warned them to count the cost before taking it (2 Timothy 2:3)

4 Lesson V Our Call – His Yoke
What is discipleship? Discipleship is the art of imitation. The purpose is to be a replica of the teacher. Also, teach to the next generation of disciples. The disciples of a rabbi had four primary jobs: To memorize the teacher’s words To learn the teacher’s tradition TO imitate the teacher’s actions To raise up more disciples Gospel Yeshua taught His disciple the message of kingdom of heaver, also known as “the gospel” He tough, “Repent, the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” What does it mean? It means to submit to His righteous instruction, The Torah

5 Lesson V Our Call – His Yoke
Characteristic of a disciple of Yeshua The world will recognize them by their love for one another They will be the light to the world Doing good work before men Make disciples of all nations Teach the nations to observe everything He had commanded them Be faithful to the Torah as an expression of love

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