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Electron Source Configuration

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1 Electron Source Configuration
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Electron Source Configuration Axel Brachmann - SLAC - Jan , KEK GDE meeting

2 Layout as defined in the Baseline Configuration Document
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Layout as defined in the Baseline Configuration Document Positron-style room-temperature accelerating section diagnostics section standard ILC SCRF modules sub-harmonic bunchers + solenoids laser E= MeV Additional Responsibilities: Injector  Damping ring transfer SPIN control (LINAC longitudonal  DR vertical)

3 Laser System and (laser) optical transfer  see Snowmass ’05
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Overview Laser System and (laser) optical transfer  see Snowmass ’05 Polarized Gun Bunching Section NC pre-accelerator SC e- Injector LINAC Basic component count Length estimates References: - TESLA TDR A. Curtoni, M. Jablonka; Study of the TESLA preaccelerator for the polarized beam, TESLA

4 120 kV DC Gun – Baseline Design is SLC Gun
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 120 kV DC Gun – Baseline Design is SLC Gun Ion Pump RGA Load-lock and cesiator on other side BPM High voltage insulator laser beam e- beam Load-lock chamber connects here Magnetic lens Approximate location of cathode Leak valve

5 Loadlock System for Cathode Preparation and Installation
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Loadlock System for Cathode Preparation and Installation

6 SLC gun is baseline Polarized RF gun R&D ILC DC Gun Design
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center ILC DC Gun Design SLC gun is baseline 120 kV, 1.7 MV/m at Cathode Possible higher gradient, eg. at Cornell, Jefferson Lab, Nagoya New electrode materials, cesiation schemes Polarized RF gun R&D

7 Bunching Section SHB Buncher
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Bunching Section SHB Normal conducting sub-harmonic bunching section Focusing by solenoidal field Scaling from TTF results in following parameters : Distance between sub-harmonic buncher cavities: 200 cm Bunch compression: 97o rms at entrance to second SHB cavity, and 30o rms at buncher entrance Distance to buncher: 38 cm Buncher 2 cavities (5 cell) separated by λ/2 (115.3 mm); =1 Structure 14.8 MV/m (simulations with 12 MV/m) 12 MeV beam energy after bunching Cavity # F [MHz] Voltage [kV] Rs [M] Q0 P [W] 1 108 (1/12) 40 8.8 3.4*104 220 2 433 (1/3) 44 4.4 1.7*104 360

8 Positron style room temperature accelerating section
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center NC Pre-Accelerator Energy from 12 MeV  ~ MeV Positron style room temperature accelerating section 17 cell cavities, one pair  31 MeV energy gain using 10 MW klystron Number of pairs must be selected 2 pairs  ~ 76 MeV, 0.28 mm.mrad (un. Emitt.) 3 pairs  ~ 100 MeV, 0.2 mm.mrad (un. Emitt.) 1 triplet between pairs 2 triplets to match to SC LINAC module Spectrometer arm for independent tuning

9 500 MeV SC LINAC and 5 GeV e- Injector LINAC
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 500 MeV SC LINAC and 5 GeV e- Injector LINAC STEP 1 Add ~ 424 MeV Two standard SC LINAC modules of 12 cavities each Gradient: Eacc = 17.8 MV/m Lower energy requires doublets instead of triplets STEP 2 Energy gain to 5 GeV by 18 standard cryomodules Gradient: Eacc = 20 MV/m

10 Instrumentation International Linear Collider Special diagnostics:
at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Instrumentation Special diagnostics: Gun diagnostics Vacuum Dark current QE diagnostics  Integrated into gun design Faraday cup Mott polarimeter BPM’s, Toroids, Wirescanners/Laserwires, Profile Monitors Bunch length measurements (Marc Ross proposals): Band pass mirco wave detectors Beam phasing Energy / time correclations Common instrumentation requirements with e+

11 Layout and Length Estimates
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Layout and Length Estimates Component Distance [m] Pre-Gun Systems (Laser, OTR, Local Injector Controls) ~ 50 Guns and Load-Lock Installation ~ 5 Y extension lines (with diagnostics and solenoidal field) ~ 3 SHB 1 (solenoidal field) SHB 2 (solenoidal field) Buncher ~ 2.5 Pre-accelerator (to 500 MeV, 17.8 MV/m) ~ 30 RT – SC beamline ~ 12 Injector Linac (to 5 GeV; m SC modules 20 MV/m) ~ 306 e- injector to DR transfer line with SPIN rotator ~25 Total Length of Injector Area 439

12 Components (e- and e+ source)
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Components (e- and e+ source) Components Count Laser systems 2 Guns ‘Y’ bend magnet 1 Solenoidal focusing magnets 9 m Dipols Diagnostic arm DR transfer Doublets Injection LINAC Triplets Between NC pre-accelerator sections Between NC and SC Total 3 Klystrons (10MW) Buncher Pre-accelerator 6 8 Cryomodules 17 19 SPIN Rotator DR In/out

13 Post - meeting comments and conclusions
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Post - meeting comments and conclusions Additional klystrons for redundancy Re-evaluate acc. gradients Re-evaluate SHB frequency Update cryomodule lengths Include chicane for energy collimation Update length estimate

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