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PHENIX measurement on direct photon production

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1 PHENIX measurement on direct photon production
Jiamin Jin Journal Club 07/12/2006

2 Outline motivation direct photon in pp & AuAu (RUN2)
-- hep-ex/ , nucl-ex/ direct photon in AuAu (RUN4) extend to higher pT two analyses to improve on mid pT range using stachastic cuts (David et al) photon internal conversion (Y. Akiba) -- various ANs 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

3 What are direct photons?
@LO level, 3 channels: Compton scatting g+qg+q Annihilation q+qbarg+g The latter is suppressed for p+p, because qbar is less probable than g in the proton The parton-parton scattering with the scattered quark or gluon fragmenting to a g @NLO level: Bremstrahlung emission of g from the quarks undergoing hard scattering 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

4 photons not from hadronic decays
Experimental challenge to differentiate gdirect & gdecay cocktail subtraction method p0 tagging method Isolation cuts Direct photons != isolated photons Fragmentation and bremstralung processes will produce photons with jets 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

5 Why direct photons? p+p A+A Test on QCD
explore PDF of the gluon inside the proton Reduce uncertainty on pQCD photons in AA A+A Photons don’t strong interact with medium Hard photons Allow test of Ncoll scaling for hard processes Interpret high-pt hadron suppression at RHIC Thermal photons Carry information of early stage of collisions Detect QGP via thermal photon radiation 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

6 Direct photons in p+p 1st step: determine direct-photon-candidate hits
reject a EMCal cluster if: form an invariant mass in the p0 or h range with other clusters asymmetry cut combinatorial background studied by embedding (small effect in p+p) a factor of 2 rejection achieved for cluster pT>5GeV/c 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

7 Formula of differential cross section
N: # of direct-photon-candidates in a DpT&Dy bin Creco: acceptance and efficiency correction (MC sim.) Cconv: correction for photon conversions (<7.4%) Closs: correction for the loss of true direct photons due to combinatorial bkgd (<2%) f = 0.75(+/-0.02): MinBias trigger efficiency L: integrated luminosity (~41nb-1 for RUN2 p+p) 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

8 2nd step: deal with the remaining hadronic decay photons
mostly from missing the partner photon also from other decay sources (w,h’,…) plot from data feed p0 spectrum into MC, simulate get double gamma ratio Rg mT scaling for other decay sources 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

9 Results Ratio of direct-photon-candidates to the p0 spectrum (data & MC) Direct g cross section small but significant signal observed agree with NLO pQCD 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

10 Other methods I p0 tagging method: 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

11 Other methods II Isolation cuts Emphasize the Compton process
photon energy < 10% of cone energy cone size: 0.5 around the candidate photon cone energy: sum of track momentum in DC & EMCal cluster energy correct for limited PHENIX acceptance, which causes fake isolated photons Emphasize the Compton process direct access to gluon distribution 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

12 Results (RUN3 p+p) direct photon production
spectrum up to 16GeV/c well described by NLO pQCD for pT>5GeV/c ratio of isolated photons to all direct photons large systematics in low pT agree with pQCD(lines) for pT>7GeV/c 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

13 Direct photons in Au+Au
What’s new in Au+Au? centrality determination by BBC&ZDC high pT hadron suppression in central Au+Au, measure Rg directly: Rg > 1, indicates direct photon signal Direct photon spectra extracted as: 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

14 Results double gamma ratio plot advantage: many systematics cancel
an excess over unity is observed at high pT magnitude increases with centrality due to hadron suppression expectation for Ncoll scaling of direct photons holds for all centrality bins 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

15 spectra shown 9 centrality bins and MB comparison to NLO
at low to mid-pT where additional production of thermal photons appears, we have large error bars 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

16 Improvement on mid-pT thermal photon region
2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

17 goal: improve upon mid-pT region systematic errors
using most stable subset of RUN4 data improving various corrections p0 peak extraction energy scale/linearity energy smearing fitting function to p0 spectrum using stochastic cuts to extract photons 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

18 Going to low pT: No apparent excess
2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

19 Excess above the scaled pQCD?
new points agree with, but consistently higher than the old ones ~4GeV/c 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

20 A new approach: very low-mass di-lepton pairs
2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

21 p0 g e+ e- g* The idea: Dalitz decay mass distribution of e+e- pairs (Knoll-Wada formula): 1) pure QED part, universal to all Dalitz decays 2) phase factor part, depends on M of parent hadron 3) hadronic form factor at low mass, both the second and third part become 1 at high mass, suppressed by phase factor 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

22 Now direct photons: ÷ g*
Compton scattering Now direct photons: e- g* q g q Any source of real g produces virtual g with very low mass Rate and mass distribution given by same formula No phase space factor for mee<< pT photon MeV 0-30 Rdata ÷ We measure Rdata: N(90<Mee<300)/ N(0<Mee<30) We can calculate: Rp0, Rh, Rdirect 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

23 Rdata excess over calculated expected ratio from hadronic decays:
True in very low mass window! Rdata excess over calculated expected ratio from hadronic decays: virtual & real direct photon signal 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

24 Results: Rdata 0-20 % 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

25 g*direct/g*inclusive
0-20 % Significant 10% excess of very-low-mass virtual direct photons 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

26 Indication for centrality dependence
more peripheral Indication for centrality dependence 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

27 Comparison to conventional results
( + 1 ) 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

28 gdirect 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

29 The Spectrum Compare to the published Run2 results (black arrow)
2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

30 The Spectrum Compare to NLO pQCD excess above pQCD 2018/12/3
J. Jin - JClub

31 The Spectrum Compare to NLO pQCD excess above pQCD
Compare to thermal model data above thermal at high pT 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

32 The Spectrum Compare to NLO pQCD excess above pQCD
Compare to thermal model data above thermal at high pT Compare to thermal + pQCD data consistent with thermal + pQCD 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

33 Backup 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

34 Schematic Photon Spectrum in Au+Au
Decay photons thermal: hard: 2018/12/3 J. Jin - JClub

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