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Involvement In the Commissioning Cycle

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1 Involvement In the Commissioning Cycle
Rosie Ayub & Joanna Wright Regional Involvement leads Secure Service Commissioning Team

2 today Our roles How we involve people
Involvement in the commissioning cycle Yorkshire and Humber CQUINS

3 Who we are Regional Involvement Leads , Yorkshire and Humber Secure Services Commissioning Team Work alongside commissioners and case managers Work with 20 medium and low secure services Work regionally with service users, providers and commissioners to develop and improve services

4 How we involve people Work to support involvement at all levels
(individual, ward, unit, regional, national) Regional Involvement Strategy Group Supporting reps from this group on Forensic Catchment Group Project groups within units

5 How we involve people Regional workshops
Involvement for improvement networks (i4i networks) Conferences Work closely with commissioners and case managers Development of regional secure internet site- ChatNet. Feed into national consultation and developments

6 Involvement in commissioning
Strategy Groups e.g. Women’s services Regional workshops To look at priorities Involvement in design of new services CQUINs in contracts Service user led audits e.g. whole dining experience i4i networks

7 Yorkshire and Humber CQUINs
Quality and developmental part of contract Incentive 5 of the 7 CQUINs for 10/11 are service user driven, involvement and recovery focussed Service user defined CQUIN’s this year - Service user defined CPA Standards -Whole dining experience standards

8 SAFETY Goal Medium and Low secure providers will use HONOS Secure (including PBR elements subject to DH guidance when available) and HCR 20 Description of indicator Use of HONOS secure and HCR20 for all patients

9 During 2010/11 all providers will introduce the use of the tool
INNOVATION Medium and Low secure providers will use the EssenCES Climate Evaluation Schema During 2010/11 all providers will introduce the use of the tool

10 USER EXPERIENCE Goal Medium and Low secure providers to demonstrate a robust system/process that promotes the empowerment and involvement of service users Description of indicator Providers will work in partnership with service users to develop a service wide involvement and personalisation strategy outlining the development of involvement at all levels of the organisation ( individual, ward, unit and decision making)

11 User Experience Goal Medium and Low will implement one new service user defined service improvement Description of indicator (i) Service providers will implement all 20 of the service user defined CPA standards (2yr CQUIN) (ii) Service providers will meet the standards outlined in the “Whole Dining Experience Audit Report”

12 CPA Standards Involvement in whole of meeting Agree invitation list
Agree Agenda Decision on who chairs meeting Receive reports 1 week before meeting Discuss how you would like to meet people before the meeting Joint decision on how meeting is run, where people sit etc Agreement on action plan

13 Description of indicator
User Experience Goal Medium and low secure providers to further develop the quality standards A81 of the best practice guidance for medium secure units by developing a benchmarking tool linking 25hr activity to personalisation and recovery Description of indicator To build on the 25hr structured activity using the Yorkshire and Humber Service user defined Activity Plan to link structured activity to outcomes, personalisation and recovery

14 Service user defined activities outcomes plan

15 EFFECTIVENESS Goal MEDIUM AND LOW SECURE PROVIDERS WILL IMPLEMENT A RECOGNISED TOOL FOR RECOVERY PLANNING Description of indicator Providers will implement a recognised tool for recovery planning e.g. Recovery Star, WRAP, or “Working towards recovery plan”

16 Benefits of having service user defined and designed elements in contracts
Proves we mean business Many services would choose not to adopt the service user developed initiatives if not in contracts People begin to take involvement seriously as a key quality improvement method Motivates people to stay involved Clear message about how we value service user involvement

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