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Course Title.

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1 Course Title

2 Meet the Press: How to Prepare for your Interview
Jo-Ann Geffen, JAG PR Scott Robertson, NAMM

3 Today We’ll Cover Why you should care about the news media
How to work effectively with media Interview preparation and strategies Bridging Flagging Local media opportunities Following up

4 Why You Should Care Because positive media coverage is just like FREE advertising for your business Attract new customers Build your brand Showcase your good works in the community

5 Working with Media Reporters don’t hate everyone in the world
But they don’t love you, either Aren’t out to make you look bad But they don’t get paid to make you look good Don’t have a hidden agenda But they think they know what news is and what their audience wants

6 Interview Prep Establish your goals, develop messages
Be a good spokesperson Know the audience Know the needs of the media Know your messages IMPORTANT: Know when to STOP talking

7 Interview Do’s Prepare. Practice your answers Answer positively
Stay calm Keep it simple and short Talk in sound bites Animate your feelings. Speak from the heart

8 Interview Don’ts Say “no comment” Go “off the record” Speculate
Comment on hypothetical situations Lie. Ever. Debate reporters. You will lose.

9 Bridging Helps you get your message across regardless of the question
But… In the meantime… However… Our real focus is… Let me be clear…

10 Flagging Helps you come back to your message by flagging them
I’ve said it before… Let me emphasize that… Don’t lose sight of the fact… It’s important to understand…

11 Local Opps Events (clinics, giveaways)
Alliance with local charities/organizations expand the mailing list an audience that might not otherwise be exposed to your store

12 Following Up Always follow up with reporters to make sure they don’t need anything else or to thank them for a great story. Reporters are people and appreciate recognition just like anyone else.

13 Questions?

14 Jo-Ann Geffen, Scott Robertson,
Thanks!!! Jo-Ann Geffen, Scott Robertson,

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