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Buddhism Theravada Mahayana Vajrayana Peg Weidner

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1 Buddhism Theravada Mahayana Vajrayana Peg Weidner
Our Lady of Good Counsel High School 2007

2 Goal of Buddhism Goal – Nirvana Blown-out candle
Lose all desire, even desire to live Energy is no more Eternal bliss

3 Theravada Note – Oldest “The Lesser Vehicle” ?450-50 BCE

4 Theravada cont’d Focus – adherence to and meditation on the teachings of Buddha

5 Theravada cont’d Goal – wisdom (Manjushri)

6 Theravada cont’d Model – arhats

7 Theravada cont’d Enlightenment – seek nirvana ASAP

8 Theravada cont’d Audience – monastic community of monks/bhikkus and nuns/bhikkunis The Sangha

9 Mahayana Note – “The Great Vehicle” most popular (50%) ?0-200 CE

10 Mahayana cont’d Focus –
Recovery of Buddha’s experience of enlightenment

11 Mahayana cont’d Goal – Compassion (Avalokitesvara)

12 Mahayana cont’d Model – bodhisattva

13 Mahayana cont’d Enlightenment – refuse nirvana until all are enlightened

14 Mahayana cont’d Audience – laity
(International Mahayana Institute of the FPMT)

15 Vajrayana Note -- “The Diamond Vehicle” Smallest ?600’s CE

16 Vajrayana cont’d Focus –
Special powers of rituals, diagrams, and objects

17 Vajrayana cont’d Goal – fight fire with fire
Harness energy of desire for good Use art, chant, movement…

18 Vajrayana cont’d Model – Dalai Lama

19 Vajrayana cont’d Enlightenment – use desire to reach enlightenment

20 Vajrayana cont’d Audience -- laity

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