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Three Rules To Live By BASES.

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Presentation on theme: "Three Rules To Live By BASES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Three Rules To Live By BASES

2 Activity – Common Teen Struggles

3 Statistics 11% of youth have a mood disorder (6.8% depression)
8% of youth have anxiety issues (18.1% of general population has social/general anxiety issues) 8% of youth engage in self-harm (1 in 12 teens cut) 10% of youth have a behavior or conduct disorder 20% of students in high school (grades 9-12) experience bullying When bystanders intervene, bullying stops within 10 seconds 57% of the time! 3.9% of adults experience suicidal thoughts Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people behind auto accidents Sources: Mental Health Facts – Children and Teens, Mental Health Facts in America, Children’s Mental Health Report

4 Statistics Continued 11% of high school students have eating disorders
30% of the US population have had an alcohol use disorder at some point in their lifetime 11% of children live with one or more parents who have a substance use disorder 1 out of 3 women and 1 out of 5 men have some evidence of a psychiatric disorder 65% are mothers and 52% are fathers 1 in 100 children are victims of confirmed child abuse or neglect 23% of all children are living in poverty Sources: Mental Health Facts – Children and Teens, Mental Health Facts in America, Children’s Mental Health Report

5 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s Study)
Looks at ten childhood experiences before age 18 10 Adverse Childhood Experiences 1. Emotional abuse 6. Alcohol or other substance abuse in the home 2. Physical abuse 7. Mentally ill or suicidal household members 3. Sexual abuse 8. Parental separation or divorce 4. Emotional neglect 9. Incarcerated household member 5. Physical neglect Witnessing domestic violence

6 What does depression and anxiety look like?
Sadness/hopelessness Irritability, anger, hostility Tearfulness or frequent crying Withdrawal from friends and family Loss of interest in activities Restlessness/agitation Feelings of shame and guilt Lack of energy and motivation Difficulty concentrating ANXIETY Restlessness, feeling on edge Difficulty concentrating Trouble falling asleep Lightheadedness Difficulty relaxing Easily startled Anticipating the worst Excessive worrying and concerns Difficulty breathing

7 Demi Lovato – Be Vocal, Speak Up
Demi Lovato discusses her struggles Be Vocal, Speak Up website


9 BASES 3 RULES Be nice Pay attention Be honest

10 BE NICE – Invisible Scars
Treating others with respect Sympathy vs. Empathy You can’t always see mental illness/addiction/struggles/ abuse just by looking at someone

11 BE NICE – Seek Understanding
Try to understand what someone might be struggling with Depression Substance abuse issues Family addiction Abuse/neglect Bullying Cutting/self-harm Anxiety

12 BE NICE – “To this day” Shane Koyczan

13 PAY ATTENTION – The Power of One
Chris Herren 8V7klRY8 The Purple Project “Unguarded” Stand up for yourself and others

14 PAY ATTENTION – Be Mindful
Be aware of your environment Watch body language Pick up on the things people don’t say, but are communicating in other ways Recognize when a friend might be in trouble and need help Warning Signs Seek help/outside assistance

15 PAY ATTENTION – Self-Awareness
Thoughts Feelings Actions Urges Reactions

16 PAY ATTENTION – Self-Awareness Continued
Learning how to identify our internal experiences is an important skill in developing our self-awareness and our communication skills Being able to effectively communicate them to others is the next step “I feel…..” vs. “I feel that….” Some risks to exposing our internal experiencing to others

17 PAY ATTENTION – Rise Above!
Don’t define everything as “good” or “bad” “Good luck, bad luck, who knows?” Don’t define the events of life, it is just the way it is

18 BE HONEST – “Linda, Listen!”
3 year old Mateo Be Honest is BASES 3rd rule You need to remember to be nice and pay attention first Being honest to the point of hurting someone else’s feelings misses the point

19 BE HONEST – WWHPD? WWHPD = What Would Healthy People Do?
Healthy people are: Secure Socially interested Interdependent Responsive Am I being the healthiest person I can be today?

20 BE HONEST – Support Networks
Key ingredients to healthy relationships Caring Commitment Communication Honesty is a major component

21 Stress Reducing Techniques
Stress Reduction Techniques Journaling Proper Nutrition Reality Testing Conversation Support Network Balanced lifestyle Spirituality Professional Counseling Meditation Exercise Group/community involvement

22 2% Rule What you control is 2% - within arms reach
Everything outside of your reach (98%) is outside of your control You control a lot even with just 2% “I have survived countless disasters – 1% of which actually happened.”

23 Review of the 3 rules BE NICE PAY ATTENTION BE HONEST

24 Local Resources North County Community Mental Health (CMH)
Charlevoix office Petoskey office Suicide Prevention Lifeline TALK Mental Health Access Number Substance Abuse Access Number BASES in Charlevoix – substance abuse assessments, teen outpatient counseling, and groups

25 THANK YOU! Bay Area Substance Education Services (BASES)
208 W. Lincoln Charlevoix, MI 49720 Rob Thomas – Someday “And maybe someday, We'll figure all this out, Try to put an end to all our doubt, Try to find a way to make things better now.”

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