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Jeff Protheroe Director of Operations

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1 Jeff Protheroe Director of Operations
National Training Federation for Wales (NTfW)

2 NTfW – Who are we? The National Training Federation for Wales (NTfW) is a membership organisation of over 100 organisations involved in the delivery of learning in the workplace. It is a Wales wide representative body for all those organisations or individuals involved in the training industry. Members range from small specialist training providers to national and international organisations, as well as local authorities, further education institutions and third sector organisations. Work-based Learning in Wales – An overview

3 Commissioned Contract Holders


5 Work-based Learning in Wales – The Numbers
53,735 (-6%) unique learners followed a total of 59,905 (-8%) WBL programmes over the 2015/16 academic year: Traineeships ,300 Foundation Apprenticeships (L2) 14,680 (-23%) Apprenticeships (L3) 17,210 (-1%) Higher Apprenticeships (L4+) 10,430 (+36%) 42,320 (-1,745 / 4%) Work Ready 2,740 Other (inc. Flexible Learning) 365 Work-based Learning in Wales – An overview



8 ‘Aligning the apprenticeship model to the needs of the Welsh economy’
An all age programme (with increased focus on school leavers) Aligned to the needs of Priority Sectors and the Regional Skills Partnerships Higher ‘quality’ technical and professional apprenticeships (Level 3 and above) Integration with the wider education system (inc. Higher Education) Increasing provision through the medium of Welsh ‘Reducing the Barriers to Apprenticeships’ Work-based Learning in Wales – An overview


10 A new Employability Support Programme - ‘Working Wales’
a commitment to reshape employability support for job ready individuals and for those furthest away from the labour market; Employability is not just about jobs and skills, it is about getting every aspect of Government - education, health, housing, communities, transport, rurality, childcare, regional development – all working together; The Employability Delivery Plan will be underpinned by a new employability programme Working Wales to be delivered from 1 April 2019; Working Wales will support both adults and young people and will replace our current suite of programmes: ReAct, Jobs Growth Wales, the Employability Skills Programme and Traineeships. Work-based Learning in Wales – An overview

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