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Data-Based Individualization (DBI) for Reading

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1 Data-Based Individualization (DBI) for Reading
Dawn White Coordinator III, Special Education Support Services (210) Research-based model adopted by National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) and TEA

2 Data-Based Individualization (DBI)
Research-based process Individualize and intensify interventions through: Systemic use of assessment data; Progress monitoring; and Research-based adaptation strategies. Student Specific Support Research-based model adopted by National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) and TEA

3 ESC-20 DBI Action Research Pilot
We are looking for approximately 15 campuses to participate in a literacy project for DBI Conditions necessary to begin (campus must have): Evidence- or research-based literacy program for secondary prevention (Tier 1 RtI/MTSS) Validated Progress Monitoring system Availability of teachers to participate in team meetings (½ day every 4-6 weeks) Availability of administrator to participate in team meetings (½ day every 4-6 weeks) Belief among all team members in the use of data-based decision making process Research-based model adopted by National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) and TEA

4 ESC-20 DBI Action Research Pilot
We are looking for 14 campuses to participate in a literacy project for DBI We will provide: 1 day training on DBI for Reading 1 day training on Progress Monitoring Trainings provided by Dr. Devin Kearns Coaching support throughout the year from ESC-20 Specialists trained in Coaching this process (minimum of 5 visits for meetings; ½ days each) $500/campus Research-based model adopted by National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) and TEA

5 ESC-20 DBI Action Research Pilot
Do you want more information? Please leave your contact for me on our Google Survey.     Do you have a campus to nominate? Please fill out the Google Survey (or share with the Campus Administrator to fill out). Nomination Deadline:   October 1, 2018 Research-based model adopted by National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) and TEA

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