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Equilibrium and change

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Presentation on theme: "Equilibrium and change"— Presentation transcript:

1 Equilibrium and change

2 The story of Krakatoa August 27, 1983
The island was destroyed along with every living thing in its lush forests The remaining part of the island was buried in over 40 m of volcanic ash

3 Within 9 months, life returned to the island! How?
Seeds were carried to the island by wind, the sea, and birds. Within 100 years, a lush rainforest community had been established!

4 Lupines were the first plants to appear after the eruption of Mount St
Lupines were the first plants to appear after the eruption of Mount St. Helens, in Washington State

5 Succession

6 What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?

7 Case Study: Kirtland’s Warbler
Dense, young jack pine forest ONLY! Nest on the ground. Forage in low parts of the trees.


9 Why jack pine? Their cones only open after the trees have been cleared away by forest fire or after logging (in the summer sun)

10 What is the importance of succession?

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