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eSciDoc – Service infrastructure and solutions development

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1 eSciDoc – Service infrastructure and solutions development
Natasa Bulatovic, MPDL

2 Content eSciDoc service infrastructure eSciDoc solutions
Service development eSciDoc solutions Solution development Development and build environment at MPDL Preparing for community processes

3 eSciDoc Development teams
FIZ Team: Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe MPDL Team: Max Planck Digital Library, Munich Service Management (SvM) User interface engineering (GUI) Software Developement (DEV)

4 Service development: Subject domains
Biology and Medicine Section Developmental and Evolutionary Biology/Genetics Immunobiology and Infection Biology/Medicine Cognition Research Microbiology/Ecology Neurosciences Plant Research Structural and Cell Biology Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section Astronomy/Astrophysics Chemistry Solid State Research/Material Sciences Earth Sciences and Climate Research High Energy and Plasma Physics/Quantum Optics Computer Science/Mathematics/Complex Systems Humanities Section Cultural Studies Jurisprudence Social and Behavioral Sciences 20000 potential users (Scientists, Librarians, Research groups, Project groups) in the 80 research institutes of the Max Planck Society

5 Service development: Setting the focus
Main usage scenarios Publication Data (Institutional repository, metadata management, quality assurance workflows) Research Data (Digital collections of images, multimedia content, cooperative authoring and annotating) Common functions that have to be supported Generalized and unified data model for all content resources Content modeling of resources as a specialization instrument Versioning PID User management, authentication and authorization Service orientation means: Reusability — regardless of whether immediate reuse opportunities exist, services are designed to support potential reuse. Formalized contracts— For services to interact, they need not share anything but a formal contract that describes each service and defines the terms of information exchange. Loose coupling - services are loosely coupled— Services must be designed to interact without the need for tight, cross-service dependencies. Abstraction - of logic-the only part of a service that is visible to the outside world is what is exposed via the service contract. Underlying logic, beyond what is expressed in the descriptions that comprise the contract, is invisible and irrelevant to service requestors. Composability- services may compose other services. This allows logic to be represented at different levels of granularity and promotes reusability and the creation of abstraction layers. Autonomous - the logic governed by a service resides within an explicit boundary. The service has control within this boundary and is not dependent on other services for it to execute its governance. Statelessness - services should not be required to manage state information, as that can impede their ability to remain loosely coupled. Services should be designed to maximize statelessness even if that means deferring state management elsewhere. Discoverability - services should allow their descriptions to be discovered and understood by humans and service requestors that may be able to make use of their logic

6 Service development: basic premises
Service orientation and service infrastructure instead of silos applications Fedora as a repository management system for the content Open-source (for used and delivered eSciDoc software components) Open-content (for complete documentation and research deliveries) Based on standards Development of a service-oriented architecture (SOA)

7 Service development: SOA composition
Core data entities (resources) identified and defined Items, Containers, Organizational Units, Contexts, Relations, etc. Service layers defined core, intermediate, application service layers Services identified and designed functional descriptions, service operations, data in use, service operation input/output messages

8 Service development: SOA roadmap

9 Service development: core services
“We need high level of abstraction and some common functions …” Context handler Item handler Container handler Organizational units handler Role handler Content model handler Semantic store handler .. Data-centric (CRUD), logic-centric (versioning, release, withdraw, etc.).

10 Service development: intermediate services
“.. but we also need some more added functionality …” Duplicate detection Image handling Metadata handler Validation of data Retrieval/download statistics Workflow management Functionality adding services, Technology gateways, adapters, façades

11 Service development: application services
“… we still need to create additional services…” Depositing Publishing Quality assurance Citation manager Export manager SearchAndOutput Controlled vocabularies Process-centric or simply public services shared with partner instutitions

12 Towards specialization
“.. and in addition end user interfaces to manage different content …” Publication items (at least one author must exist) Face images (metadata describe object on the image) Digitized Book (law books from Holly Roman Empire) Language resources (description of languages, features, other resources) “… different metadata schema and controlled vocabularies…” Flexible metadata handling Metadata schema/ context / content model specific validation rules “… with different workflows …” Publication management workflow (“depositing” service enriches core workflow)

13 We have (eSciDoc) solutions 
Publication management Image collections Scanned books

14 eSciDoc project landscape

15 Solution development: towards specialization
Services provide more common functions that can be reused Solutions reuse services and may add value (e.g. data mashups) Services work with Items, Containers, Metadata Solutions work with Publication Items, Albums, DC metadata, Publication metadata etc. Solutions are built for end users (persons) Services are built for developers, end users and non-human service requestors

16 eScidoc@MPDL: Key aspects
Business processes engineering (SvM) Usage scenarios Use cases Process workflows User interface engineering (GUI) Interface conception, design and development Usability analysis & evaluation Communications support Software development (DEV) Service architecture design and implementation Solutions design and implementation Integration of services Integration of services and solutions

17 Software development@MPDL: Technology in use in short
Java EE ( Presentation&Logic: Sun RI JSF1.2 , JSP 2.1, Java Servlet 2.5, EJB 3.0) Tag libraries in use (Trinidad, RichFaces) XML JibXtransform XML to Java Python Turbogears IDE Eclipse Design Technical design: Enterprise Architect GUI prototyping: Axure RP Pro

18 Software development@MPDL: Build and development environment
SUBVERSION The build infrastructure consists of several servers and tools to support all developers and testers of the escidoc project in the development process. The build process is supported by several servers: Archiva, which holds all the binary artifacts (including external and internal binary dependencies) Continuum, a testing server for nightly builds, unit- and integration testing, releases Maven, a software project management and comprehension tool, used for building, testing and release management Subversion, a source control management tool, with the following repositories: common used by project common_services pubman used by project PubMan virr used by project ViRR faces used by project Faces

19 Software development@MPDL: Code repositories

20 eSciDoc services and solutions: What next?
Extending existing solutions and services Setting up productive environment (performance, service authorization, data ingestion) More data diversity Building more services and solutions (component reusability, tools, enhance SOA) Improve data interoperability, data dissemination, data repurposing Community-based open source development

21 Related MPDL projects WALS Online
Open Access Journal Publishing

22 eSciDoc project resources
eSciDoc project web pages, Infrastructure download MPDL collaboratory network MPDL software download The project webpage is a useful information resource for developers or any other interested people. The project webpage contains useful information on the build environment, source code access, javadocs, code analysis etc.

23 Thank you!

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