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Project Title - Use Title Case Your Name*, Supervisor’s Name

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1 Project Title - Use Title Case Your Name*, Supervisor’s Name
*If you are not from UNC Charlotte, denote your university here. If you are from UNC Charlotte leave this line blank and remove the * after your name Insert key relevant Diagram, graphs and photos as needed The diagrams need not be framed by a box, as done here, but there should be plenty of air around them In this section, give sufficient detail and background on the project so that some one unfamiliar with the project can understand what you were doing. Use diagrams and pictures to communicate the overall goal of the project. With respect to overall layout of the poster we have the following requests : The main colors and fonts sizes should not be changed. You can adjust the vertical location of the grouped entities “horizontal green line + Methodology”, “horizontal green line + Results and Discussion”, and “horizontal green line + Acknowledgements”, Within each of the three main sections (Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion) you are free to arrange the information as you please, i.e. one column, two columns, additional sub-sections etc. Just ensure that the overall poster is not excessively cluttered or difficult to read. All the posters will be displayed on the notice boards on the second floor. The request for uniformity in appearance is to give a cohesive look to the notice boards designated to the summer REU program. Figure 1: Every diagram or graph should be numbered, sufficiently labeled and readable. Relevant detail should given in the caption to describe that which is contained within the diagram/graph. Methodology Outline the approach taken/experimental set ups etc. Results and Conclusions: Outline the results obtained and describe the conclusions that can be drawn from the results. Acknowledgements: References: List any references used. Be consistent in the style used to list the references. List only key references as you don’t have much room.

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