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Lead Technology Administrator

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1 Lead Technology Administrator
Position Analysis












13 I have one clerical who handles SIS management, budgeting, support calls etc.
We have 0 clerical and 0 staff developers assigned to the district (not an option on form) We have two technicians and one data analyst who is also our master scheduler I work two days a week as a consultant through BOCES. This is the first time North Merrick has had anyone in this role. Note: The one technician the district has is also through BOCES; I don't supervise that individual or the PowerSchool person. Technology Integration Mentor Program - Teachers get paid a stipend as a Tech Integration Mentor 13 Tech Mentor districtwide

14 We have a dedicated STEAM Teacher at each elementary school.
I also have a group of student helpers (5) from the High School that we use to assist with any Google Chromebook repair after school or large scale projects during school recesses and the summer. 1 additional assistive tech person Would choose 0 for SIS and Staff Developers but it was not a choice. Have a .5 staff developer for middle school and a .3 for elementary schools

15 I act as the SIS manager so I did not choose a number for that question model schools days
Also have technology aides: high school, both middle schools three elementary schools We purchase a "staff developer" through Model Schools (BOCES) for a number of days each year The SIS manger is me, so I was not sure if I should put 1. Clerical and Staff Developer are 0. 1-Senior Network Engineer There isn't really 1 FTE staff developer; it falls to the Director of Technology and the LMS to conduct the PD.

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