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Corruption In Indian Society Ms

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1 Corruption In Indian Society Ms
Corruption In Indian Society Ms.Prachi Arora Department of Economics Markanda National College, Shahabad (M).

2 Meaning of Corruption It means dishonest conduct by those in power.
Dishonesty Dishonest dealing Duplicity Double dealing Fraud

3 Who are corrupt in India?
1. Only Politicians 2. Buraeucrats 3. Judiciary 4. Police 5. Army 6. Private businesses 7. Government Employees 8. Students 9. Doctors Lawyers Shop keepers Common man All of the above None of the above (all Indians are divine)

4 We are indulged in corruption every day in our lives
Admission of your Kid in School Admission of your son in Engineering/Medical College, Marriage of your son/doughtier without taking dowry, Getting appointment letter for your son/daughter, Getting your house plan approved from Corporation, Getting your House/Land Registered, Making your Driving License, Paying Road tax, Paying House tax, Getting Electric Connection for your house,

5 We are indulged in corruption every day in our lives
Getting water connection for your house, etc. etc. The list is non ending. We have made India one of the most corrupted country in the world with corruption Index of 3.1 Fact is every body sells. Some sell at Rs. 500, some sell at 500 crores. But every body has a price. We all are corrupt.

6 Fighting Corruption Should Start With Self

7 Introduction Wrongdoing on the part of an authority or powerful party through mean that are illegitimate, immoral, incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption is a type of strategic action. India is the 95th most corrupt country in the world. A corrupt society stops valuing moral principles.

8 The recent scams tells about the free loot of resources.

9 Corruption in India As with many developing nations, corruption is widespread in India. India is ranked 95 out of a 182 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, its score has degraded from 3.4 in 2008 to 3.1 in 2011. Corruption has taken the role of a persistent aspect of Indian politics and administration.


11 Major Areas Of Concerns
Politics and bureaucracy. Land and property – Where officials steal state property. Service sector – Like education, banking, communication, health care etc. e.g. non-availability of medicines, fake medicines. Income Tax Department – Favourable tax treatments.

12 Causes which now become main reasons for corruption
Lack of effective management and organisation Lack of support Lack of values Lack of satisfaction Lack of good control and vigilance Lack of good employment Lack of seats in good educational institutions List is endless……..

13 Top Corruption Scams in India
2G spectrum Scam:- The 2G spectrum scandal was a political scandal that occurred in India in where officials in the govt. of India were illegally undercharging mobile telephony companies for frequency allocation licenses, which they would use to create 2G subscriptions for cell phones. The difference between the money collected and money which the law mandated to be collected is estimated to be ₹176,645 corer.

14 CWG Scam:- On April 25, Kalmadi was arrested by CBI for awarding illegal contracts to a Swiss firm for Timing-Scoring-Results(TSR) system for the Commonwealth Games causing a loss of ₹95 crore.

15 Mining Scam Cost ₹ 300,000 crores
This scam was plundering at its best with the Naveen Patnaiik led Govt. exploiting the state’s minerals to the tune of Lakhs of crores of rupees. Apparently, the mine owners had been illegally using fake Transit Passes to transport minerals from Orissa to other states. The plundering was a large scale one and involved many high profile people from the govt. and bureaucracy.

16 Consequences of Corruption
Loss of national wealth Obstruction in development Backwardness Poverty Brain drain Rise in Black Money Rise in suicide cases

17 Cures For Corruption In India
Value education Effective and regular vigilance Responsible citizens Effective leadership and administration Strong media support (through adds, films, serials etc) Strong organisation Transparency Loyalty and patriotism Co-ordination and control

18 Suggestions Anti-corruption police and courts Vigorous punishment
Anti-corruption organisations Self determination of not to give bribe


20 Quotation If a county is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key social members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher. APJ Abdul Kalam The duty of youth is to challenge corruption. Kurt Cobain


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