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2017 STATE OF THE SCHOOLS Mr. Donald Andrews, Superintendent.

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1 2017 STATE OF THE SCHOOLS Mr. Donald Andrews, Superintendent


3 MISSION The mission of Jasper County School District is to provide a safe environment, promote self-esteem, and educate all students to become independent life-long learners and productive citizens in a global society. VISION The Jasper County School District aspires to become the pride of the community where all students are empowered to excel to high academic standards guided by highly qualified professionals and dedicated citizens.

4 Beliefs …Proposed are the District’s fundamental convictions, values and character: * We believe teamwork is the key to success. * We believe that our children have first priority on all of our resources. * We believe that the family is the most important unit in a child’s development. * We believe that education is a lifelong process. * We believe that communication is the foundation to continuous growth in every community. * We believe that each individual has the potential for excellence. * We believe that all people have equal intrinsic worth. * We believe that every individual has a responsibility to contribute to society.

5 BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 4 3 2 1 Board Chaplain Mr. Randy Horton
DISTRICT 5 Board Chaplain Ms. Daisy Mitchell DISTRICT 4 Mr. Randy Horton DISTRICT 3 Ms. Berty Riley DISTRICT 2 Vice Chair Dr. Debora Butler DISTRICT 1 Mr. Bennie Hazel

6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES 9 8 7 6 Board Secretary Ms. Priscilla Green
DISTRICT 9 Board Secretary Ms. Priscilla Green DISTRICT 8 Board Chairman Mr. Tedd Moyd DISTRICT 7 Mr. Jerold Murray DISTRICT 6 Mr. Kevin Karg

7 2016 – 2017 Board of Trustees’ Priorities

Align goals with budget Evaluation of existing budget Eliminate waste Simplify Board’s Financial Report Effective utilization of professional development funds CATE Facility Long-range building plan Deconsolidation Parental Outreach Schools more welcoming Transparency Translators

9 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Guaranteed Viable Curriculum
Align Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Professional Learning Opportunities Literacy Focus Appropriate and Timely Intervention Acceleration and Enrichment Programs

10 Potentially Underperforming District
2016 District Report Card Potentially Underperforming District

11 A district is identified as potentially underperforming if it meets two or more of the following criteria: A 4-year graduation rate of less than 70% The mean percentage of students in Grades 3 – 8 scoring “Does Not Meet Expectations” on ELA or Mathematics is greater than 50 Less than 20% of eligible students scoring a “Silver or higher” on Work Keys Less than 5% of students scoring 22 or higher on ACT in Reading or Mathematics

12 South Carolina College and Career Ready SC READY – Not Meeting Standard

13 ACT for 3rd Year High School Students (22 or higher on Reading or Mathematics)

14 AdvancED Accreditation Report

15 Findings The system should strengthen efforts to support high student performance through the systematic process to recruit and retain highly qualified staff. 1 Develop, monitor, and evaluate the curriculum, assessments, professional development and instruction at all levels with emphasis on strategies for the use of data will guide the achievement of verifiable improvement in student learning and success at the next level 2 Resources structure, allocation, and utilization should be guided by mission, vision and system beliefs with a laser focus on supporting and improving student learning. 3 Technology integration should be driven by differentiated instruction, application of knowledge, higher order thinking skills and increase student engagement and should be tightly aligned with the guiding statements of the system. 4

16 CONCLUSION The Index of Education Quality™ (IEQ™) results indicate that the system is performing within acceptable ranges as compared to expected criteria as well as other institutions in the AdvancED network. The Index of Education Quality™ (IEQ™) is a formative measure for placement on a continuum of performance, pinpointing areas of success as well as areas in need of support and/or focus.

17 IEQ Results JCSD IEQ Score AE Network Average Overall Score 253.17
278.03 Teaching and Learning Impact 249.52 267.91 Leadership Capacity 241.67 292.76 Resource Utilization 280.00 284.48 100………………………………………………………….400 The purpose of the IEQ score is NOT to rank your institution, but rather to show where you are when we consider over 32,000 institutions in the AdvancED network.

18 RECOMMENDATION The External Review Team recommended to the AdvancED Accreditation Commission that the Jasper County School District be awarded the distinction of accreditation by AdvancED.

19 Initiatives

20 1 2 3 4 Restructuring of Budget Development Process Town Hall Meetings
Volunteer Recruitment Community Partnerships Parental Engagement Activities Curriculum development and alignment to formative assessments Strategic Planning for STEM and technology integration and implementation

21 5 6 7 8 Reading Intervention Programs System 44 Read 180 Math 180
Leveled Literacy Intervention-LLI Ongoing Professional Learning Opportunities Elementary Literacy Para-professionals Primary Grades Class Size Reduction Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)

22 9 10 11 13 12 Revise District Strategic Plan
Update District’s Mission, Vision, and Core Beliefs Implementation Of Internal Standard Procedures Streamline Organizational Structure Increase Use of Instructional Technology

23 Presentation will be posted on the district’s webpage.
Please share your comments and suggestions. Presentation will be posted on the district’s webpage.

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