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John Proctor 1632–August 19, John Proctor 1632–August 19, 1692.

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2 John Proctor 1632–August 19, 1692

3 Tragic Hero Farmer Married with two sons (with Elizabeth; had 18 children total between his three wives) 35 Years old in the play (60 in real life) Middle class Honest Has own value system Protects wife/family/himself Reputation is major factor in his development Doesn’t believe in church protocol Significance of your name

4 Elizabeth Proctor

5 John’s Wife Two sons with John Virtuous, upstanding woman Very cold demeanor John and Elizabeth’s Marriage is obviously strained

6 Reverend Samuel Parris
1653 – 1720

7 Puritan Minister of Salem
Highest ranking resident of Salem Self-centered, egotistical, self-righteous Overly concerned with his own power and prestige Sermons are overly concerned with hell, fire, and brimstone Widowed father Daughter Betty (age 10) and niece Abigail (age 17) initiated the hysteria that created the Salem Witch Trials

8 Reverend John Hale

9 “Expert” Witch Hunting and the “Demonic Arts” from nearby Beverly, Mass
Original signer of all executions and impetus for “witch hunt” Later becomes the victim’s advocate First powerful figure to doubt validity of witchcraft in Salem

10 Deputy Governor/Judge Thomas Danforth 1622-1699
Upholds the court’s power Most powerful political figure in Salem Egotistical and Pretentious

11 Judge John Hathorne Judge/Executor during Witch Trials Cynical Egotistical Emotionless

12 Rebecca Nurse

13 Saintly old woman (83 in play)
Highly respected around Salem Virtuous, highly religious Has served as midwife to many families in Salem Protects the good Highly doubtful of “witches” Scapegoat Husband (Francis Nurse)

14 Giles Corey

15 Controversial old man (72)
Husband to Martha Corey Frequently sued and in court due to land disputes Believes in the power and prestige of family Pressed to death to preserve his family

16 Thomas and Ann Putnam 1651-1699 Upper Class family in town
Very wealthy and powerful Holds a grudge against the town and Reverend Parris over his appointment Constantly looking to gain more power ($$) and land Seven of their eight children died very early or at birth They blame Rebecca Nurse for their children’s deaths Frequent accusers Only surviving child is Ruth

17 The Girls Susanna Walcott, Mercy Lewis (Putnam Servant), Mary Warren (Proctor Servant), Ann Putnam, Jr., Betty Parris, Abigail Williams, Tituba

18 Mary Warren Mercy Lewis
Tituba Susanna (Mary) Walcott

19 Ruth Putnam Betty Parris

20 Abigail Williams

21 Niece of Samuel Parris Previously worked as a servant for the Proctor’s but was removed Rumors persist that she is a “soiled woman” Lives with her uncle and cousin (Betty) 17 years old in play (11 in real life) One of the first accusers (with Betty) during the witch trials Play’s antagonist Over time becomes the most powerful person in Salem Serves as a witness during the trials

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