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Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance

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1 Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance

2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
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3 Choosing a Career The Six Step Process
1. Define your lifestyle goals 2. Conduct a self –assessment 3. Identify possible career choices 4. Evaluate your choices 5. Make you decisions 6. Plan how you will reach your goal. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.

4 LIFESTYLE-How a person spends their time, energy, and money
What type of lifestyle do you live? What type of lifestyle would you like to have? What changes have to be made? Ask students to think about their own personal lifestyle and what changes they would need to make to have their dream job. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.

5 Lifestyle Influences Where you live Your cultural environment
Your mode of transportation Your relationships with your family and friends The work you do to earn a living Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.

6 Values- Beliefs that guide the way we live
Identify your values Focus on beliefs and actions that are important to you Image Source: How do you incorporate your values into your career? Is it possible to have poor personal values and have a successful career? Have students give examples. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.

7 Your Work Environment Preferences
APTITUDE An ability or natural talent, or the potential to learn a new skill. Determine Your Aptitude by: Your Personality Your Work Environment Preferences Your Relationship Preferences Your personality is all of the unique qualities that make you who you are. Understanding your personality characteristics will help you to determine what types of work situations will best suit you. Your work environment includes working conditions, sights, sounds and smells. Would you like to work indoors or out? Most jobs require working with people. Do you like working as a team or by yourself. Can you handle conflict? These are the types of questions you must ask yourself. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.

8 Multiple Intelligences-What are Yours?
Verbal-Word Smart Logical- Logic Smart Visual- Image Smart Interpersonal- People Smart Intrapersonal- Self Smart Bodily-Body Smart Musical- Music Smart Explain that Dr. Gardner researched human intelligence and came up with the theory of multiple intelligences. He believed that intelligence was not just I.Q. There are various ways people demonstrate how smart they are. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.

9 Multiple Intelligences What are Yours?
Go to: to take Dr. Gardner's Multiple Intelligences assessment. Once you have completed assessment identify the 3 parts that have the highest scores. Research jobs on the Internet that fit with these multiple intelligences and complete chart located under Documents and Examples listing the jobs and explain why the job fits. Explain that Dr. Gardner researched human intelligence and came up with the theory of multiple intelligences. He believed that intelligence was not just I.Q. There are various ways people demonstrate how smart they are. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.

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