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A service provided by the Blessed Family Association

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1 A service provided by the Blessed Family Association
Matchbook Simply click your mouse to move forward through each slide. A service provided by the Blessed Family Association

2 Hi, this is a simple tutorial to familiarize parents of Blessed Children with Matchbook.
This is the website homepage of the BFA, Blessed Family Association. In order to be able to access MATCHBOOK parents need to be registered as a member and then list their children. To register select the word login If you are a Blessed Couple you make a new record separate from that of your parents.

3 Here it is, click to register

4 Father or Mother Please enter your information Then add each family member individually.

5 If Mom and Dad are going to have the same username and password then there is no need to enter any information here. Don’t forget to save ☺

6 Next, he can enter his wife's information
In our example, the husband is the one who started the registration process. The information is now saved. Next, he can enter his wife's information Now, let’s do the kids.

7 Once you have entered the basic information you have the option to choose pictures; then click on Update Personal Data to save.

8 Please consider making a small donation if you are able to do that. :)
Next, enter information for the next child and redo the process for each child. Then scroll down and complete your family profile and select your “privacy” options. Please consider making a small donation if you are able to do that. :) Don’t forget to save.

9 I did not enter WIFE information, so look what happened!
You have to enter spouse information, since this is a family process. Both parents must be listed regardless of your personal situation. Even if you are widowed or divorced, you still have to enter the name, birthdate and generation for both parents.

10 See: I entered: First Name Generation Birth Date And, I was able to save successfully.

11 Scroll down, click save and you are done with your family profile.
Here it is. Scroll down, click save and you are done with your family profile. Don’t forget to upload nice pictures ☺ Now, let’s see what the kids have to do. It is time to select: MATCHBOOK

12 Each child will have to add their own profile.
Parents should not complete children’s profiles.

13 Once they are done with the first page, they will need to answer more questions that will be found HERE.

14 Once the profile of the adult child is complete, Parents can click on MATCHBOOK again and search for a potential spouse.

15 Please note the search options:
The default order is by “last name” but other options include “age” and “date updated”. As you can see there are quite a few candidates. You may want to put some parameters on your search. Select FILTER for more search options.

16 I clicked on his name.

17 Scroll down to see his full profile.
And his profile opens. Scroll down to see his full profile.

18 Please note the name of the advisor for this young man, and also the fact that you can read his full profile by selecting an additional link.

19 Now, let’s scroll back to the top.
If you click on the Parents’ name, you will be taken to the parents and family information. If you click on the address you will be able to send an directly to the parents

20 The application that you are using for your regular communications will come up, and you will be able to send an to the parents directly.

21 This is the last slide for this tutorial.
If you have a problem please feel free to This is forwarded to: John Abelseth Marjorie Buessing Crescentia DeGoede John DeGoede Anne-Marie Mylar Thank you for wanting to learn all the tools available to help your adult children.

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