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India and Pakistan India and Pakistan Middle East People Middle East 2

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Presentation on theme: "India and Pakistan India and Pakistan Middle East People Middle East 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 India and Pakistan India and Pakistan Middle East People Middle East 2 Odds and Ends 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 He was the last British viceroy of India

3 Lord Louis Mountbatten

4 This Asian country defeated Russia and other European countries

5 Japan

6 This political party claimed to represent all of India – it had more Hindus than Muslims

7 Congress Party

8 The organized formed in 1906 to protect Muslim interests in India

9 The Muslim League

10 This Muslim leader rejected Indian independence if it meant a Hindu-dominated India

11 Muhammad Ali Jinnah

12 To divide a territory into two nations

13 partition

14 The first prime minister of India

15 Jawaharlal Nehru

16 Nehru’s daughter, this prime minister was assassinated by two of her Sikh bodyguards

17 Indira Gandhi

18 The English translation of the word Pakistan

19 Land of the Pure

20 This Pakistani prime minister was removed from office on charges of curruption

21 Benazir Bhutto

22 His declaration seemed to promise a homeland for Jews in Palestine

23 Arthur Balfour

24 This Egyptian president attacked Israel on Yom Kippur, 1973

25 Anwar Sadat

26 This Egyptian president was assassinated after making peace with Israel

27 Anwar Sadat

28 This Israeli prime minister signed the Camp David Accords with Anwar Sadat

29 Menachem Begin

30 This Israeli prime minister removed Israeli settlers from the Gaza Strip in 2005

31 Ariel Sharon

32 PLO is an acronym for

33 Palestine Liberation Organization

34 Israel launched this, beginning the Six-Day War

35 A preemptive strike

36 The Six-Day war took place in this year

37 1967

38 The Declaration of Principles was discussed in this country

39 Norway

40 This Israeli prime minister was assassinated for making peace with the Palestinians

41 Yitzhak Rabin

42 He has been president of Egypt since 1981

43 Hosni Mubarak

44 Golda Meir grew up in this U.S. city

45 Milwaukee

46 In 1956, Egypt fought a war with Great Britain, France, and Israel to take control of this

47 The Suez Canal

48 The population of this war-torn country are split between Buddhists and Hindus

49 Sri Lanka

50 The desire of Jews to create a homeland in Palestine

51 Zionism

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