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Why was Hitler able to come to power?

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Presentation on theme: "Why was Hitler able to come to power?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why was Hitler able to come to power?

2 1. Background suited it: The Great Depression
Overinvestment Overconfidence in the economy Speculators


4 Lower orders Recalled loans and decline in investments Unemployment Strikes and demonstrations

5 Great Depression and world effects
Domino Effect

6 2. Hitler’s charisma

7 To ex-soldiers…pride

8 3. The content of his promises

9 To entrepreneurs … opportunities

10 To youths…sense of identity (SA/ Sturmabteilung)

11 To the workers…jobs

12 To some Germans…a scapegoat
The Jew

13 The use of propaganda Joseph Goebbels

14 Immediate Issues: Mistake of President Von Hindenburg

15 .. And Franz von Papen

16 ..Keeping Hitler in check

17 How did Hitler Conslidate power?
Reichstag Fire

18 The enabling act

19 The Enabling Act – the SS and the SA

20 Will the audience kindly remain in their seats….

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