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CMS Physics Analysis in China

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1 CMS Physics Analysis in China
Guoming CHEN IHEP, CAS 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

2 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Outline Bc (IHEP) J/ψ (PKU) HVV (IHEP) Dimuon trigger at low luminosity (IHEP, PKU) D0 (IHEP) Plan 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

3 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Bc introduction ( c) ,Unique character: doubly heavy flavored. The experimental study of Bc will help: 1) To study the heavy quark dynamics; 2) To test the spin symmetry derived in NRQCD and HQET; 3) To tag Bs in mixing 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

4 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
TEVATRON: CDF 20 J/ψ lυ events, mass : 6.40±0.13 GeV life time : ps 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

5 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
M(Bc): 6402.0±22.0 MeV Input:6400MeV cτ(Bc): 148.8±13.1 μm Input 150 μm 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

6 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Systematic Summary Bc mass (MeV) Bc cτ (μm) P scale 11 0.2 P smear 10 0.8 Vertex smear / 2.4 Cuts 0.1 Efficiency Theoretical 1.5 Total 14.9 3.0 CMS 1/fb: Mass: 22.0(fit) ±14.9(syst) MeV lifetime: 0.044(fit) ±0.010(syst) ps 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

7 This analysis is finished
2 notes: Analysis-Note 2006/079 CMS-Note 2006/118 Approved by the CMS physics meeting Included into the Physics TDR

8 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Prompt J/ψ (PKU) 1-2 order of magnitude discrepancy between CSM prediction and CDF Result Prompt charmonium production black dot: CDF experiment dashed line: color-singlet solid line : NRQCD fit 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

9 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Problem: Polarization of Heavy Quarkonia CDF RUN 1 results PRL, 85 (2000) 2886 a=+1: transversely polarized a=-1: longitudinally polarized CDF RUN 2 results 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

10 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Quarkonia CMS Higher luminosity:  better statistics in general  especially important for  which is expected to be described better by NRQCD Higher Collision Energy:  larger cross-section  higher PT region reached Better Muon Measurement  preferable for J/Y  m+m-,   m+m- CMS will measure the cross section and polarization More precisely 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

11 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Polarization extraction: The Loop Fitting Normalize to the MC templates Weighted efficiency Signal Pt distribution a=0 efficiency Weighted efficiency …… Solid Line is alpha input Data point is alpha fit value 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

12 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Polarization extraction: Neural Network Fit 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

13 HVV coupling measurement
whether there exists a sub-TeV Higgs Boson. 2. Discriminate the EWSB sector of the new physics model from that of the SM. 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

14 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Prof. Kuang Yuping et. al. (Tsinghua Univ.) proposed a sensitive way to measure the HVVC via like-sign leptons final states It is d u v p + W + l + W H + v W + + p u W l d 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

15 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Extraction of coupling constant fw through cross section Normalized to 300 fb-1 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

16 Through two leptons’ invariant mass
Normalized to 300 fb-1 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

17 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Backgrounds channels Sigma Events/300 (fb ) Obtained via Grid job or reconstructed by myself WZ l 4.4E-10 (mb) 32000 40000 ZZ l 1.6E-11 (mb) 4800 Z0 t t l + X (fb) 510 1000 W+ t t l + X (fb) 900 t t l + X 1.25E-9 (mb) 375000 121000 Zbb_4l+(njets) 2E (mb) 6000 129000 Zbb_cc_4l+(njets) 8E (mb) 2400 3000 ZWjets_leptonic 2.6E-9 (mb) 780000 50000 ZZjets_leptonic 1.5E-10 (mb) 45000 100000 -1 _ _ _ 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

18 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Dimuon trigger study With the first 1/fb data, it is intended to collect a large amount of: 1) prompt J/ψ to calibrate the detector and to study the polarization; 2) B hadrons contain J/ψ decay to check the performance of the detector; Bs→ J/ψ φ to study CP violation; And to collect enough Bc to measure it’s mass and life time They are all low pT stuff, low pT dimuon trigger is needed, but the HLT rates must be within the bandwidth allowed. 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

19 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Dimuon trigger study QCD μPt >3GeV μPt >4GeV μPt >5GeV μPt >6GeV μPt >7GeV 0_15 ( 21.511.0) (11.6 7.2) ( 2.42.1) (0.9 1.0) (0.3 0.5) 15_20 ( 18.03.0) ( 12.62.3) (5.4 1.2) (2.30.6) (1.0 0.3) 20_30 ( 25.71.9) (18.6 1.9) ( 11.61.3) ( 6.40.6) (3.1 0.4) 30_50 ( 23.41.6) (18.7 1.6) (12.3 0.9) ( 7.30.6) (4.5 0.5) 50_80 ( 13.90.4) (11.3 0.4) ( 8.60.2) (6.1 0.2) ( 4.00.2) 80_120 ( 5.60.3) (4.7 0.3) ( 3.80.3) (2.8 0.1) (2.1 0.1) 120_170 (1.9 0.0) (1.6 0.5) ( 1.30.0) (1.0 0.0) (0.8 0.0) 170_230 (0.7 0.0) (0.6 0.0) (0.4 0.0) (0.3 0.0) 230_300 ( 0.20.0) (0.2 0.0) (0.1 0.0) 300_380 380_470 (0.0 0.0) ( 0.00.0) Total (111 11.7) ( 80.18.0) (46.3 2.9) ( 27.51.5) ( 16.30.9) QCD rate at 1033 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

20 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
D0 reconstruction To monitor the calibration and alignment status through: momentum scale, resolution vertex resolution To calibrate the mu/h and e/h separation To calibrate the PDL resolution for Bc life time measurement 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

21 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
1,100,000 events pb-1 QCD D0 QCD 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

22 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Our study show that: The number of D0’s collected one day at 5x1029 (900GeV collision) is about Enough to check the momentum scale and resolution 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

23 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN
Plan Blind search through (IHEP) dimuon final states WZ final states (Z→μμ) Higgs search through H→ZZ, Z→μμ, Z→υυ (IHEP) Heavy Majorana neutrino search (IHEP) Higgs→DM (PKU) Top polarization &CP violation study (PKU) 12/3/2018 Sino-French LHC workshop Guoming CHEN

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