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WWRP SSC agenda 18 November 2014 Geneva.

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Presentation on theme: "WWRP SSC agenda 18 November 2014 Geneva."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWRP SSC agenda 18 November 2014 Geneva

2 Agenda, 18 Nov Morning 2 2 Dear David,
Dear David, I was thinking to structure my presentation this way : Short introduction to Regional Climate Services and main attributes Strengthening the observational capacity for local information you need local observations: example from Safran high res rainfall data base (few km) over France observing new parameters : example for food security in Africa and/or mobile phone network for rainfall Seamless prediction and regional information New numerical advancements : examples for weather and climate presented in a seamless way CORDEX examples for specific sectors (energy, agriculture ) and specific regions (Niger, Mediterranean) Extremes and Resilience A seamless approach to the resilience problem, how climate and weather research can provide critical socio-economic thresholds endangering the stability of a specific system (for instance urban areas). The last point can provide a good intro to Liisa talk as well. Have a nice weekend Cheers Paolo 2 2

3 Agenda, 18 Nov Afternoon 3 2 Dear David,
Dear David, I was thinking to structure my presentation this way : Short introduction to Regional Climate Services and main attributes Strengthening the observational capacity for local information you need local observations: example from Safran high res rainfall data base (few km) over France observing new parameters : example for food security in Africa and/or mobile phone network for rainfall Seamless prediction and regional information New numerical advancements : examples for weather and climate presented in a seamless way CORDEX examples for specific sectors (energy, agriculture ) and specific regions (Niger, Mediterranean) Extremes and Resilience A seamless approach to the resilience problem, how climate and weather research can provide critical socio-economic thresholds endangering the stability of a specific system (for instance urban areas). The last point can provide a good intro to Liisa talk as well. Have a nice weekend Cheers Paolo 3 2

4 Agenda, 19 Nov Morning 4 2 Dear David,
Dear David, I was thinking to structure my presentation this way : Short introduction to Regional Climate Services and main attributes Strengthening the observational capacity for local information you need local observations: example from Safran high res rainfall data base (few km) over France observing new parameters : example for food security in Africa and/or mobile phone network for rainfall Seamless prediction and regional information New numerical advancements : examples for weather and climate presented in a seamless way CORDEX examples for specific sectors (energy, agriculture ) and specific regions (Niger, Mediterranean) Extremes and Resilience A seamless approach to the resilience problem, how climate and weather research can provide critical socio-economic thresholds endangering the stability of a specific system (for instance urban areas). The last point can provide a good intro to Liisa talk as well. Have a nice weekend Cheers Paolo 4 2

5 Agenda, 19 Nov Afternoon 5 2 Dear David,
Dear David, I was thinking to structure my presentation this way : Short introduction to Regional Climate Services and main attributes Strengthening the observational capacity for local information you need local observations: example from Safran high res rainfall data base (few km) over France observing new parameters : example for food security in Africa and/or mobile phone network for rainfall Seamless prediction and regional information New numerical advancements : examples for weather and climate presented in a seamless way CORDEX examples for specific sectors (energy, agriculture ) and specific regions (Niger, Mediterranean) Extremes and Resilience A seamless approach to the resilience problem, how climate and weather research can provide critical socio-economic thresholds endangering the stability of a specific system (for instance urban areas). The last point can provide a good intro to Liisa talk as well. Have a nice weekend Cheers Paolo 5 2

6 Agenda, 20 Nov Morning 6 2 Dear David,
Dear David, I was thinking to structure my presentation this way : Short introduction to Regional Climate Services and main attributes Strengthening the observational capacity for local information you need local observations: example from Safran high res rainfall data base (few km) over France observing new parameters : example for food security in Africa and/or mobile phone network for rainfall Seamless prediction and regional information New numerical advancements : examples for weather and climate presented in a seamless way CORDEX examples for specific sectors (energy, agriculture ) and specific regions (Niger, Mediterranean) Extremes and Resilience A seamless approach to the resilience problem, how climate and weather research can provide critical socio-economic thresholds endangering the stability of a specific system (for instance urban areas). The last point can provide a good intro to Liisa talk as well. Have a nice weekend Cheers Paolo 6 2

7 Agenda, 20 Nov Afternoon 7 2 Dear David,
Dear David, I was thinking to structure my presentation this way : Short introduction to Regional Climate Services and main attributes Strengthening the observational capacity for local information you need local observations: example from Safran high res rainfall data base (few km) over France observing new parameters : example for food security in Africa and/or mobile phone network for rainfall Seamless prediction and regional information New numerical advancements : examples for weather and climate presented in a seamless way CORDEX examples for specific sectors (energy, agriculture ) and specific regions (Niger, Mediterranean) Extremes and Resilience A seamless approach to the resilience problem, how climate and weather research can provide critical socio-economic thresholds endangering the stability of a specific system (for instance urban areas). The last point can provide a good intro to Liisa talk as well. Have a nice weekend Cheers Paolo 7 2

8 Recommendations 15 min talk, 15 min discussion Teleconf available
Please for the afternoon session provide your ppt/pdf Documents and ppt available on the web Extreme weather and climate events, increasing vulnerabilities, risks and the severity of these events due to climate change; escalating demands for improved monitoring, better forecasts and advanced warnings to inform decision-making, mitigate and adapt; Globalization and regionalization of civil aviation, stricter weather services requirements will have significant implications on NMHSs (demands, performance and resourcing); Expansion of maritime transportation into sparsely monitored Polar Regions, as well as sea-level rise come with elevated risks in terms of increased variability of weather, climate and sea-ice conditions, storm surges and coastal inundation; Increasing urbanization and population increase both the vulnerability and exposure of people to natural hazards;

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