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Vocabulary Presentation

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1 Vocabulary Presentation
By: Amber Scott

2 Loathing Strong Dislike or disgust.
Michelle loathed the taste of her cheeseburger when they added onions. Way to Remember: Loath rhymes with the word grothe, that is close to the word gross. Inferring that something is disgusting.

3 Paean Any song or praise, joy, or triumph.
During the March on Washington, people sung paean to express their praise, and hopes for change. Way to remember: Paean and praise both start with a P. Otherwise, I have no idea.

4 Affability Pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly; cordial; warmly polite. Many people attend etiquette classes to improve their manners and affability. Way to Remember: The beginning of affable sounds like the word affection, which love, and warmth.

5 Ennui Feeling of littleness and general dissatisfaction resulting from lack or excitement or activity. On rainy Mondays, I tend to be ennui. I lack enthusiasm and incentive for school. Way to Remember: The ennui when pronounced sounds kind of like annoy, and they’re basically annoyed because they have nothing to do.

6 Malevolence The quality, state, or feeling of being malevolent; ill will; malice; hatred. My mother describes my friend as malevolent, when he is up to malicious behavior. Way to Remember: The end of the word looks like violence and violence can occur due to malice content or hatred.

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