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Position vs Time Graphs

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1 Position vs Time Graphs

2 Position vs Time Graphs
Position vs Time Graphs can show motion…..change in position as a factor of time These graphs can describe 3 types of movement: Forward Reverse No Movement

3 A … Forward: Starts at home (origin) and goes forward “moderately”
1 – D Motion A t A … Forward: Starts at home (origin) and goes forward “moderately”

4 d B 1 – D Motion t B …No Motion: Not moving (position remains constant as time progresses)

5 d 1 – D Motion t C C …Reverse: Turns around and goes in the other direction “moderately”, passing up home (origin)

6 A … Forward: Starts at home (origin) and goes forward “moderately”
B C 1 – D Motion A … Forward: Starts at home (origin) and goes forward “moderately” B …No Motion: Not moving (position remains constant as time progresses) C …Reverse: Turns around and goes in the other direction “moderately”, passing up home

7 Slope and PT Graphs The slope of the lines in the PT graphs=the speed of the objects The steeper the slope, the faster the object moves Why? Faster = more distance(d or P) covered in same time (t). Slower = less P covered in same time (t). What would the slope of the last car need to look like if it sped up quickly? Slowly?

8 Unchanging Slope This position vs time graph shows a constant velocity because the slope is unchanged. It covers 10 m every second.

9 Changing Slope This position vs time graph shows a constant acceleration because the slope is changing. The distances covered are not equal among the times.

10 Check for understanding……
1. What are the 3 movements a position vs time graph shows? 2. What can we use to describe the speed of the object in a position vs time graph? 3. Look at the graph to the right….which object is moving fastest and why? Slowest? Why? 4. What does constant acceleration look like on a position vs time graph? 5. What does constant velocity look like on a position vs time graph? 6. What does line E indicate E

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