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European Partership for Action Against Cancer

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1 European Partership for Action Against Cancer
Sandra Radoš Krnel National Institute of Public Health Slovenia


3 WP1: Coordination & Management

4 WP1: Coordination & Management WP2: Dissemination, Virtual partnership

5 WP2: Dissemination, Virtual partnership
WP1: Coordination & Management WP2: Dissemination, Virtual partnership WP3: Evaluation

6 WP4: Secretariat, Open Forum
WP1: Coordination & Management WP2: Dissemination, Virtual partnership WP3: Evaluation

7 WP4: Secretariat, Open Forum
WP1: Coordination & Management WP5: Health Promotion and Prevention WP6: Screening and early diagnosis WP2: Dissemination, Virtual partnership WP3: Evaluation

8 WP4: Secretariat, Open Forum
WP1: Coordination & Management WP5: Health Promotion and Prevention WP7: Healthcare WP6: Screening and early diagnosis WP2: Dissemination, Virtual partnership WP3: Evaluation

9 WP4: Secretariat, Open Forum
WP1: Coordination & Management WP5: Health Promotion and Prevention WP7: Healthcare WP8: Research WP6: Screening and early diagnosis WP2: Dissemination, Virtual partnership WP3: Evaluation

10 WP4: Secretariat, Open Forum
WP1: Coordination & Management WP5: Health Promotion and Prevention WP7: Healthcare WP8: Research WP9: Information & data WP6: Screening and early diagnosis WP2: Dissemination, Virtual partnership WP3: Evaluation

11 WP4: Secretariat, Open Forum
WP1: Coordination & Management WP 10 National Cancer Plans WP5: Health Promotion and Prevention WP7: Healthcare WP8: Research WP9: Information & data WP6: Screening and early diagnosis WP2: Dissemination, Virtual partnership WP3: Evaluation

12 Key areas of action Health Promotion and Prevention (ECL)
Screening and Early Detection (FCR) Health Care (ICO) Research (ECCO) Information and Data (INT) 12

13 Horizontal Activities
National cancer plans (NIPH) Virtual Partnership Open Fora 13

14 National Cancer Plans Overview of the current state regarding NCPs in MSs, Norway and Iceland Define areas to be respected in NCPs Guidelines for a high level standard NCP and the respecting indicators 14

15 Dissemination and Virtual Partnership
Creation of a web-based platform A tool for communication and collaboration between members of EPAAC, a closed section of the website, The "general public"/ discussion aspect of the platform with interfaces to Facebook, and other social media platforms such as Flickr/Picasa, YouTube, Twitter 15

16 Open Forum What is the Open Forum?
A high-level plenary of the European network of policy makers, cancer experts, academia, civil society, patient associations, health professionals and other interested stakeholders It will provide a platform for all Work Packages and partners to present their progress.

17 Open Forum Who will organise the OF?
The Partnership Secretariat – day to day correspondence with all partners, coordinate and assign roles to Local Organising Committee Local Organising Committee – perform duties linked to specific local organisation of OF, organise local media coverage

18 Open Forum – organisational structure
JA Partnership Secretariat and Local Organising Committee - overall organisation of OF All partners of the Partnership will present their ideas for speakers and interesting topics linked to the main areas of OF JA AC debates and confirms agenda and programme SC of the Partnership provides final comments and confirms programme

19 Open Forum Each OF will:
Dedicate one-third of the time to progress reports from each Work Package Dedicate the rest of the time to two themes linked to the Work Packages of the OF host country

20 Open Forum I Held in Madrid, Spain
Scheduled 14th and 15th of June 2011 Focus on CANCER HEALTH CARE and RESEARCH

21 Open Forum I WPLs asked to recommend the speakers till 8th Dec 2010
Other partners will be asked to present their ideas for speakers and lectures by the end of January 2011 February 2011 invitations for the invited speakers 1st & 2nd Mar 2011 the structure of the programme will be confirmed at the JA AC and SC meetings of the partnership April completed and confirmed work plan for OF I June OF I August OF I report and circulation of all OF I content to VP

22 Open Forum I Healthcare: Focuses on WP 7, healthcare EU-wide for cancer patients, Best Practices, alternative practices, harmonisation of clinical guidelines, psychosocial training for healthcare professionals. Research: Focuses on WP 8, coordination amongst cancer researchers & institutions. OF unique focus: how increased efficiency in research can directly impact healthcare, issues of coordination in both domains.

23 Open Forum II Held in Rome, Italy Scheduled for May 2012

24 Open Forum II Additional events planned to take
place alongside/during Open Forum II: Media Training event one day prior to OF, Meet the Press event during OF (ESO) Satellite Meeting on Cancer in Europe scheduled one day after OF (ACC) European Week Against Cancer, half day (ECL)

25 Open Forum III Held in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia

26 Dissemination OF Official Report Virtual Partnership
Local Media Strategy & distribution of Press Pack to EU journalists

EPAAC partners INTERNATIONAL: FCR/FCS COLLABORATING PARTNERS: American Cancer Society European Society of Radiology Smokefree Partnership European Public Health Alliance European Network for Smoking Prevention European Liver Patients Association ELPA European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association EDMA European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies European Coordination Committee of the radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT industry European Academy of Cancer Sciences European Observatory on Health systems and Policies National Center of Public Health Protection National Institute of Public Health, Czech Republic Garnier International International Agency for Research on Cancer, European Cancer Network (ECN) Pfizer German National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physician European Cancer Patient Coalition Public Association for Healthy People, Hungary Semmelweiss University European Union of General Practioners Organization of European Cancer Institutes Committee of the Regions, NAT Commission United European Gastroenterology Federation National Cancer Screening service (CEO) European Institute of Women's Health Stakeholders Forum Novartis Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori. Surveillance of rare Cancer in Europe, RARECARE Project Europa Donna European Association for Palliative Care Regione Lombardia, Italy Federazione Italiana delle Associazioni di Volontariato in Oncologia (Italian Federation Cancer Voluntaries) The Health Promotion Foundation, Poland Ministry of Health, Portugal Institutul Oncologic "I.Chiricuta" Spanish Cancer Screening Network Fundacion Josep Carreras Contra la Leucemia Osservatorio Nazionale sulla Salute della Donna Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm Cancer Screening Program World Health Organization International Union Against Cancer European Society for Medical Oncology European Cancer Pateient Coalition Netherlands Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport University of Neijmegen GSK Lynn's Bowel Cancer Campaign English Department of Health University of Oxford Europacolon European Cancer Patient Coallition ECPC International Psycho-oncology Society European Nutrition for Health Alliance Informatics Initiative The Centre of Health Economics - VEC Multilateral Issues & Health Policies - EFPIA experts MINISTRIES OF HEALTH of MS ESO ELN ECCO EHMA SIOPE HOPE ESPEN EONS NTNU ECL PGEU FOD VVVL VAZG NEN IKNO DoHC ICS PMH SEF NCZI / NHIC INCa E3 INSERM HIPH UL IOL LILT RT INT ISS ACC MINSAL INRC AOU CSISP ICO ISCIII MSPS NCOD MHEC 27

28 SC and OF meetings SC meeting, 1st and 2nd March 2011, Dublin, Ireland
OF I, 14th and 15th of June 2011, Madrid, Spain SC meeting, 29th and 30th of September 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia SC meeting, March 2012, Germany OF II, May 2012, Rome, Italy SC meeting, September 2012, Slovakia SC meeting, April 2013, Malta OF III, November 2013, Slovenia

29 1st SC meeting agenda EPAAC Kick-off Meeting, Dublin, 1 March 2011
Joint Action Advisory Committee 9.00 Working methods and responsibilities of the Joint Action Advisory Committee 9.30 A brief reporting from WP leaders on any developments 10.00 Open issues 10.30 Break 10.45 Provisional agenda for the Open Forum I in Spain and discussion AOB End of meeting Joint Action meeting Presentation of EPAAC administrative and financial responsibilities for partners, Consortium Agreement, methods and entitlement to funding Presentations of all Work Packages by Work Package Leaders 17.00 Provisional agenda for the Open Forum I in Spain End of meeting

30 1st SC meeting agenda EPAAC Kick-off Meeting, Dublin, 2 March 2011 Working Group on National Cancer Plans 9.00 Presentation of the outcome of the questionnaires and discussion 10.30 Break 10.45 Continuation of discussion on further actions to be taken End of meeting Steering Committee of the European Partnership for Action Against Cancer State of play within the Joint Action Reporting from the WG on Cancer Plans 15.00 Provisional agenda for the Open Forum I in Spain 15.15 Break 15.30 Open questions/ issues for discussion (if relevant) 16.15 AOB Plans for the next meeting and closure of the meeting

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