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Sir Francis Drake Years in the business 1565-1595.

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Presentation on theme: "Sir Francis Drake Years in the business 1565-1595."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sir Francis Drake Years in the business

2 Birth: Date and place Devonshire, England Born 1540 died 1596
= place of birth

3 Early Years Oldest of 12 kids Lived in hull of old ship
Father became preacher to sailors Went to sea as apprentice sometime in the 1550’s Did so well Captain left him his position which started his life as a seaman

4 Contributions and /or Achievements
He also began his career as a privateer He attacked Spanish settlements and destroyed Spanish ships He crossed the Isthmus and Panama and saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time He went up the north coast of California claiming it for the queen Captured treasure from Spanish ships He reached England September years after he set out

5 Drakes Route

6 Interesting Facts Queen Elizabeth secretly financed Drakes voyage in 1577 Drake was friendly to the natives and had no desire to convert them to Christianity He was concerned the Spanish would seek revenge so he didn’t take the same way home So feared he earned the name El Dragon Drake died of a fever they called “Bloody Flux” aboard one of his ships

7 Credits
By Dylan and Ian

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