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1-2: The Enlightenment.

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1 1-2: The Enlightenment

2 Big Idea: Liberty and Order
Enduring Understanding: A balance between governmental power and individual rights has been a hallmark of American political development Learning Objectives: Describe the origins of democratic ideals reflected in the Constitution. Explain how models of representative democracy are visible in major institutions, policies, events, or debates in the U.S.

3 The Enlightenment Intellectual ferment
Relationship between people and government? Took root in American colonies The Framers of the Constitution lived in a period of intellectual ferment known as the Enlightenment. European political thinkers and writers challenged traditional views of the relationship between the people and their government. Enlightened ideas took root in the American colonies, where they became the dominant philosophical and political views of the time. Leaders such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison used Enlightenment ideas to justify their opposition to the British government.

4 Enlightenment Ideals Limited Government Natural Rights
Popular Sovereignty Republicanism Social Contract

5 Locke Natural rights Purpose of Government Rights > governments
“Social Contract”

6 Montesquieu Separation of Powers Divided authority protects rights
Legislative Executive Judicial Divided authority protects rights

7 Rousseau “Consent of the Governed” Government as a servant
People can remove a ruler

8 Types of Representative Democracies
Participatory Democracy Emphasizes broad participation Pluralist Democracy Recognizes group-based activism Elite Democracy Emphasizes limited participation of common people

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