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Welcome, Beta Club *First Meeting*.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome, Beta Club *First Meeting*."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome, Beta Club *First Meeting*

2 Please Stand For the PLedge

3 Introduction President intro and background
Ms. Price and Mrs. Fischer are this year’s advisors

4 None of the other positions have been decided!
Wanna Be AN Officer ? None of the other positions have been decided! If you are interested in filling out the application, see Mrs. Price in room 403 or pick one up today before you leave. Applications are due Monday, Sept The online ballot will be on the club website that night and close Thursday, Sept Officers will be announced that Friday.

5 Wanna Be An Officer? Here’s What They do:
Vice-President: Attend all meetings and events, induction ceremony, lead projects and organize state convention (partner with club president) Secretary: Attend all meetings and events, induction ceremony, keep the officers and members up to date on all dates, times, specifics for activities; work with the club advisors to maintain records on points earned for honor cord Treasurer/Historian: Attend all meetings and events, induction ceremony, work with club advisors to maintain a club balance on funds raised; photo-document all team events for club social media, yearbook, etc.

6 Announcements Fall Festival Volunteers
Saturday September 9:30 am at the Angier Depot Sign up beforehand if possible Old Jean Drive Aeropostale will match what we raise! Earn points!

7 Point System 5 Points freshman year 20 Points sophomore year
20 Points junior year 20 Points senior year 65 points total for your cord ** If you have any questions about the point worth of any none Beta Club activities ask Ms. Price and make sure to fill out the sheet outside of room 403.

8 T-Shirt Orders! We have four designs to choose from for our club shirt. Vote today before you leave or on the Beta Club website ( Friday is the last day to vote!

9 Follow Our Social Media
Instagram: @hchs_beta_club We follow all HCHS students back!! Also, feel free to DM any questions you have.

10 We Want Your Ideas! We want this to be Beta Club’s best year ever, but we need your help. Use the chart paper to brainstorm ideas for service projects here at the school and out in the community. We’ll present everyone’s ideas at the next club meeting and decide on which projects to do first, sign up for service committees, and select a big project for Beta Founder’s Day.

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