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Biology Safety Guidelines

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1 Biology Safety Guidelines

2 Safety Do egg white demonstration here: Egg white in petri dish on overhead, drop conc. Sulfuric onto egg white….protein like that of the eye….what damage take place…put on sodium bicarb…stops but damage is done.

3 Why study safety? It is the RESPONSIBILITY of EVERY person in the lab to observe SAFE procedures!

4 What’s wrong with this picture?
General Guidelines BE RESPONSIBLE! NEVER work ALONE! READ instructions! Perform AUTHORIZED experiments ONLY! BE ALERT! REPORT unsafe conditions! What’s wrong with this picture?

5 When Entering the Science Lab
Do NOT touch anything in the science lab until instructed to do so!

6 NO FOOD/DRINK in LABS! No Food or Drinks!
Do not use lab equipment for food containers! NO GUM!

7 Be a good HOUSEKEEPER! Keep areas neat!
No backpacks, books, etc. Take only lab handout and pencil to tables! Keep aisles clear!

8 PUSH your stools IN!

9 Know the locations & operations of safety equipment!
First Aid Kit Fire Extinguisher Fire Alarm Call Buttons EMERGENCY Shut-off Know: How to work equipment Who is responsible for using it Where it is located

10 Tell the TEACHER! IMMEDIATELY! Unsafe conditions Faulty equipment
Accidents Injuries Concerns Broken or chipped glassware ALL of them – even the “little” ones!

11 Disposal NEVER ASSUME! Follow the teacher’s instructions!
Solid materials MAY go in the trash. Liquid materials MAY go down the drain. SOME require special disposal! Check for designated waste containers. NEVER ASSUME!

12 Know what to do in the event of a fire or fire drill!
DON’T Panic! CLOSE all containers Turn everything OFF

13 WEAR those GOGGLES! When….. Chemicals are present.
Projectiles are possible. Items are heated! IN OTHER WORDS – AT ALL TIMES WHILE IN THE LABORATORY!

14 Laboratory Safety Cornea damaged by chemical splash without goggles.

15 Dress Appropriately! Restrain long hair Remove dangling jewelry
Secure baggy clothes Long pants/Closed toed shoes Lab Aprons

16 It’s DANGEROUS! Never assume! Consider all chemicals to be hazardous!
Properly WAFT chemical odors. Do NOT taste ANY lab chemicals!

17 Notes about Chemical Containers
Do NOT pour excess chemicals back into the original containers! READ the labels carefully! Do NOT carry bottles against the body. HOLD bottles SECURELY!

18 Special Concerns about chemicals
Many chemicals are CORROSIVE to human tissue. Be aware of flammable liquids and vapors. AVOID FLAME and HEAT! ACID should be poured into WATER!

19 Broken glassware should never be handled with your hands.
Use brooms and dustpans! Dispose of glass in proper containers.

20 Electrical Safety NEVER use equipment with frayed cords.
Grasp the base of the plug to unplug the item. Watch those cords! AVOID water! Make sure your hands are dry.

21 Heating Objects Do NOT immerse hot glassware in cold water!
Use insulating pads, tongs, or hot hands to handle items that have been heated. Allow objects to cool before touching them or setting them on a table top.

22 WATCH OUT! Do NOT look into test tubes, beakers, or other heating glassware! Do NOT point the open end of a heating container toward anyone.

23 Final Instructions: Clean-Up
The lab is not completed until your station is CLEAN! – GOGGLES STAY ON UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO LEAVE THE LAB Wash your hands with SOAP and WATER when you finish cleaning! (A few notes about hand washing!) Remove your apron THEN your goggles. IMMEDIATELY leave the lab when completed!

24 No HORSEPLAY! It’s TOO dangerous! REMEMBER: Safety is EVERYONE’S job!
Save the jokes for later!

25 What is wrong with this situation?

26 What is wrong with this situation?

27 What is wrong with this situation?

28 What is wrong with this situation?

29 What is wrong with this situation?






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