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Created By: Molly Carl Jessica Fink Katie Lazarski Sarah Yeager

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1 Created By: Molly Carl Jessica Fink Katie Lazarski Sarah Yeager
Act 2. Scenes 2,3, & 4 Created By: Molly Carl Jessica Fink Katie Lazarski Sarah Yeager

2 Act 2 Scene 2 Julius Caesar

3 Character List Caesar Calphurnia Servant Decius Publius Antony
Trebonious Brutus Caesar and Calphurnia

4 Overview Caesar is kept awake by Calphurnia’s nightmares. So he sends a servant to bid the priests to offer a sacrifice and tell him the results. Calphurnia warns Caesar not to leave for the Capitol because she fears his safety. Calphurnia never believed in omens but claimed she was seeing things earlier that night which were signs of potential danger. The servant returns and recommends that Caesar stays home. Caesar says that he will not stay home out of fear, but after a lot of begging he changes his mind. Calphurnia recommends that he should send Antony instead. When Decius enters Caesar tells him that he will be absent that day, but says not to lie, he is not ill. He says simply tell everyone that it was “his will to stay home”. Caesar then tells him about Calphurnia’s dream of the statue with run with blood like a fountain, while many smiling Romans bathed their hands in the blood. Decius then turns the dream around by saying that the dream signifies that Romans will gain lifeblood from the strength of Caesar. Caesar believes Decius’ reasoning and agrees to go to the Capitol. He also realizes that he would lose public support if he were viewed as someone easily influenced by a woman or fear.

5 Explanation March 15th Calphurnia’s fear for Caesar’s safety
Dream Brutus convinces Caesar to attend Brutus does not want an oath “No Heart In Beast” -Augrers Decius Brutus= deceiver

6 Act 2 Scene 3 Julius Caesar

7 Character List Artemidorus
Clement Hamelin was used as a portrayal of Artemidorus, on a postcard, which is shown to the right

8 Overview Artemidorus writes a letter telling Caesar to watch out for Brutus, Casca, Cinna, Trebonious, Metellus Cimber, Decius Brutus, and Caius Ligarius (all of the conspirators). He then waits along the route Caesar is supposed to take to the Senate in order to give Caesar the letter. Artemidorus is upset that the conspirators might actually destroy Caesar’s virtue. But, he has hope that if he reads the letter he may be able to live.

9 Act 2 Scene 3

10 Explanation: Artemidorus wrote a letter warning Caesar of the conspiracy against him He then waits to give Caesar the letter and believes if he reads it he will live But if he doesn’t read it, there will be fate

11 Act 2 Scene 4 Julius Caesar Portia

12 Character List: Portia Lucius Soothsayer Soothsayer Portia Lucius

13 Overview Portia tells Lucius to go to the Senate house to see if Brutus looks “well” and what Caesar is doing. She hears a noise and it is the Soothsayer. They talk and he tells Portia that he fears for Caesar, but knows no plans. She then orders Lucius to go find Brutus and tell him that she is “merry” and return to inform her of Brutus’ reaction.

14 Act 2 Scene 4

15 Explanation Portia knows the plan of the conspirators
She is anxious about how Brutus is Soothsayer arrives and tells Portia of his plan to wait for Caesar on the streets and his ill feeling Portia orders Lucius to leave and instructs him to return in order to tell her what is happening

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