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42.13 Spike Pattern Distributions for Model Cortical Networks P-8

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1 42.13 Spike Pattern Distributions for Model Cortical Networks P-8
John Hertz, Niels Bohr Institute and Nordita; Joanna Tyrcha, Stockholm University N-dependence is qualitatively consistent with spike patterns being sampled from a Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) model: Outline Algorithm: Inversion of Thouless- -Anderson-Palmer equations Cross-correlations between neurons measured in network simulations and experiments: -- for stationary balanced network ±0.0328 -- for highly stimulus-driven network ± -- in experiments ~0.01 [Schneidmann et al, Nature(2006)] Finding distribution of spike patterns with the observed cross-correlations: fit with SK spin glass model with E[Jij] > 0, std[Jij] falls off ~ no spin glass phase for our data TAP equations [1977] (mean field equations with “reaction field” correction) an infinite-range (mean field) model: Jij and hi normally distributed with inverse susceptibility Given Cij and mi calculated from data, solve for {hi, Jij} has normal and spin-glass phases; our data are in the normal phase. order parameter equations: (mean magnetization) (mean square magnetization) Get spike data from simulations of model network Excitatory Population Inhibitory External Input (Exc.) We do this for subsets of neurons of sizes N = 2 populations: Excitatory, Inhibitory Excitatory external drive HH-like neurons conductance-based synapses Random connectivity: Probability of connection between any two neurons is c = K/N, where N is the size of the population and K is the average number of presynaptic neurons. Results here for c = 0.1, N = 1000 Results: Typical Jij: tonic and stimulus-driven cases, N=10 Correlation statistics for the SK model: mean correlation matrix element: variance of correlation: where Solve for J0 and J1: Mean and variance of Jij’s are Response with tonic input with rapidly-varying input inhibitory (100) 16.1 Hz excitatory (400) 7.9 Hz inhibitory (100) 15.1 Hz excitatory (400) 8.6 Hz Tonic and stimulus J’s very similar These hold for the true N (full size of the network). But if we assume a smaller N, we will get a larger E[Jij] and var(Jij) Comparison of statistics of Jij extracted by algorithm with SK model predictions (stimulus driven network data): Modeling the distribution: J’s for a set of neurons ~ J’s within this set obtained from data from a larger set, except for overall magnitude Have sets of spike patterns {Si}k (temporal order irrelevant) Si = ±1 for spike/no spike (we use 10-ms bins) Construct a distribution P[S] that generates the observed patterns (i.e., has the same correlations) Simplest nontrivial model (Schneidman et al, Nature (2006), Tkačik et al, arXiv:q-bio.NC/ ): Distributions of Jij’s: tonic and stimulus-driven cases cf Tkacik et al: Spin glass phase? Criterion for normal phase: J2S < 1 always satisfied parametrized by Jij, hi; partition function Z normalizes distribution

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