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Cooperative Purchasing for IT Products + Services via GSA Schedule 70

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1 Cooperative Purchasing for IT Products + Services via GSA Schedule 70

2 Topics of Discussion Overview of GSA, Multiple Award Schedule Program - Schedule 70 = IT Products + Services Highlights of E-Government Act 0f 2002 Introduce GSA Regional Representatiaves 12/4/2018

3 GSA MAS Program GSA awards competitive, indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contracts to those companies who give the Gvt. the same or better discounts than their best customers Orders placed under the MAS program issued pursuant to and are considered to be full and open competition (FAR 6.102(d)(3) when following MAS ordering procedures of FAR 8.4 12/4/2018

4 GSA MAS Program Contracts are written for 5 years from date of award with three 5 year option periods State of the art technology Commercial services and commercial off the shelf products Volume discount pricing Direct customer / industry relationships Continuous competition Real time market pricing Shorter lead-times and lower administrative costs 12/4/2018

5 GSA MAS Program Industrial Funding Fee (IFF)
The price of supplies and services available to State/Local entites includes an IFF, which is represented in the prices paid by ordering activities and passed on to GSA by Schedule 70 contractors. The IFF reimburses GSA for procurement and administrative costs incurred to operate the GSA Schedules Program. The current fee will decrease from 1% to .75% as of January 1, 2004 GSA will not waive or give any portion of the IFF to State/Local entities 12/4/2018

6 GSA Schedule 70 Special Item Numbers (SINS)
132-3 Leasing of Products 132-4 Daily / Short Term Rental 132-8 Purchase of Equipment Maint. of Equipment and or Spare Parts Term Software License Perpetual Software License Maintenance of Software Training Professional IT Services Wireless Services 12/4/2018

7 Sampling of Schedule 70 Computer Equipment - Purchase or Lease
Equipment Maintenance Software - Term or Perpetual License Classroom Training Software Maintenance Pagers Wiring/Cabling Used Equipment Seat Management Network Applications Internet Services Information Assurance Programming Services IT Data Conversion Svc IT Facility Operation and Maintenance Equipment/Software for the physically challenged 12/4/2018

8 Schedule 70 = IT Currently Schedule 70 vendors number over 4,400 and is growing daily Schedule 70 vendors sales totaled 14.9 billion in Fiscal Year 2003 Approximately 70% of the contractors authorized to participate are small businesses 12/4/2018

9 Understanding the Program
Your Guide to Cooperative Purchasing for IT University of Multiple Award Schedules (UMAS) provides the nuts and bolts on how to properly use Schedules is located at Updated GSA Schedules Owners Manual available in Spring 2004 12/4/2018

10 State and Local Customers
State and local Governments – now authorized to use Federal Supply Schedule 70 and the Corporate Schedule contracts containing IT Special Item Numbers for products and services. Interim rule published in the Federal Register on May 7, 2003 The rule can be viewed and downloaded at 12/4/2018

11 State and Local Customers
Voluntary participation by Schedule 70 Contractors – Authorized schedule contractors may begin selling after contract modifications are completed and accepted by GSA. Voluntary use by State / Local Entities Subject to any limitations that may be established under State and Local laws and procedures 12/4/2018

12 Market Research New icon was created to identify Cooperative Purchasing contractors in GSA’s Schedules E-Library Search capability added to Schedules E-Library to view only those vendors who offer products and services to their marketplace Customers can sort by business size and business location Schedules E-Library is located at 12/4/2018

13 What does it mean to the states
Ordering activities do not have to begin the procurement process from scratch …. Saving time and resources The Schedule price list is a “ceiling price”. Additional discounts MAY be negotiated when ordering. Contractors may add new items at any point throughout their contract period ensuring that the latest technology is at your fingertips State and Local preference programs are not waived or otherwise affected by Cooperative Purchasing 12/4/2018

14 Ordering Procedures State and local governments are encouraged to use GSA Schedule Ordering Procedures (FAR 8.4). When this is not feasible state and local entities may follow their own ordering procedures. Incorporate by reference GSA Schedule terms and conditions Additional State/Local requirements are permitted but must NOT conflict with GSA Schedule Terms and Conditions 12/4/2018

15 Web Sites to Bookmark Schedules E-Library Schedule 70 IT Acquisition Center Schedule 70 solicitation document Cooperative Purchasing Presentations 12/4/2018

16 Web Sites to Bookmark Multiple Award Schedules Program OWNERS MANUAL Basic Schedule Ordering Guidelines National Customer Service Center (800) on 12/4/2018

17 Web Sites to Bookmark Federal Acquisition Regulations 1122 Counter Drug Program Anthology of Commercial Terms and Conditions Schedule 70 FAQ’s 12/4/2018

18 GSA Contacts - Florida Angel, Michael Field 1212 Jaguar Circle Gulf Breeze , FL   Phone: (850) Fax: (850) I service the panhandle of Florida Agency(s)/Bureau(s) serviced: ALL Carter, Wayne 190 Radford Blvd Pensacola , FL   Phone: (850) Fax: (850) Area of Coverage: Northwest Florida Panhandle, South Alabama & south Mississippi. Agency(s)/Bureau(s) serviced: Holcombe Jr., Kelley suite W. Peachtree St Atlanta , GA   Phone: (404) Fax: (404) Agency(s)/Bureau(s) serviced: Hosey, Linda Room 3rd Floor 110 Yorktown Ave. Jacksonville , FL   Phone: (904) Fax: (904) I serve the Northeast Florida and South Georgia area. Agency(s)/Bureau(s) serviced: McFarland, Steve Field Area M6-880 Tr3-035 State Road 3 And 5th Street Kennedy Space Center , FL   Phone: (321) Fax: (321) I serve Central and Southern Florida south of a line from Palm Coast to Cedar Key. Agency(s)/Bureau(s) serviced: 12/4/2018

19 IT Acquisition Center IT Center Hotline 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM EST Phone: Fax: GSA,FSS, IT Acq. Ctr. (FCIM) Jefferson Davis Highway CM 4, Room Arlington, VA 22202 (703) 12/4/2018

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