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Presentation on theme: "PART 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 PART 3

2 Republican Party Combination of Whigs, Free-Soilers, Democrats, and Abolitionist. Against Slavery

3 Election of 1856 Democrats James Buchanan Republicans John C. Fremont
American Party Millard Fillmore

4 Dred Scott Case Slave of Dr. John Emerson
Traveled to Illinois and Wisconsin Dr. Emerson died Scott became slave of his widow 1846 Scott sued for his freedom

5 Dred Scott Case Lower court ruled in Scott’s favor
Overturned by Missouri Supreme Court Reached U.S. Supreme Court in 1857

6 U.S. Supreme Court Ruling
Chief Justice Taney’s Rulings Citizenship Founders believed African Americans had no rights white men were bound to respect. Residence on free soil Did not make him free Declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional

7 The Pot Starts to Boil Causes for Conflict
Failure of the Missouri Compromise Failure of Compromise of 1850 Kansas-Nebraska Act Dred Scott decision Short-Term Effects Political Battles Sectional differences “Bleeding Kansas” Lincoln-Douglas debates Long-Term Effect Civil War

8 Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Put Slavery as a central issue If congress could not ban slavery how could the people in a territory Contradiction of Dred Scott decision and Popular Sovereignty Freeport Doctrine created Freeport Doctrine The notion that the police would enforce the voter’s decision if it contradicted the Supreme Court’s own decision in the Dred Scott Case

9 Washington Adams Jefferson Madison Monroe JQ Adams Jackson Van Buren Harrison Tyler Polk Taylor Fillmore Pierce Buchanan Lincoln

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