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Chapter 8 Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Safe Practice

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1 Chapter 8 Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Safe Practice
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2 Ethics Study of philosophical beliefs about what is considered right or wrong in a society Bioethics Ethical concerns related to client care B Menu F

3 Ethical Principles Beneficence Autonomy Justice Fidelity Veracity
Promoting good Autonomy The right to make one’s own decisions Justice Treating others fairly and equally Fidelity Doing no wrong to the client; observance of loyalty and commitment to the client Veracity Telling the truth B Menu F

4 Psychiatric Hospital Admissions
I. Voluntary Admission II. Involuntary Admission (Commitment) Types of Procedures Judicial Administrative Agency Nature & Purpose of Involuntary Admission Observational or temporary Emergency Long-term (formal) III. Doctrines that apply to all admissions Habeus Corpus Least restrictive alternative B Menu F

5 Torts Intentional Unintentional Assault Battery False imprisonment
Defamation of character Breach of confidentiality Unintentional Negligence Malpractice B Menu F

6 Exceptions to Client Right of Confidentiality
When duty to warn and protect are mandated When nurse is a mandated child abuse reporter When nurse is a mandated elder abuse reporter State laws requiring reporting of certain communicable diseases State laws requiring reporting of gunshot wounds State laws that do not give nurses “privilege” re: disclosures made within the context of the nurse-client relationship B Menu

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