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Mr. Arrington Summer Bridge 2018

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1 Mr. Arrington Summer Bridge 2018
RD/Circles 101 Mr. Arrington Summer Bridge 2018

2 RD Session #1 As you come in, make sure you have the following:
Piece of notebook paper Writing utensil Summer Bridge Schedule If you need paper or a pen, you can find those supplies on the back table

3 5 W’s of Mr. Arrington & 5 Questions...
Who am I? - Mr. Arrington What do I do at ECHS? - TJC Site Senior Advisor, AVID & RD Co-Coordinator, AVID 4 Instructor...and a bunch of other stuff When did I graduate and start teaching? - ACU ‘09, UTT ‘17, LU ‘18. Hearne ISD ‘09-’11, TISD ‘11-Present (AVID Tutor ‘11-’12, JTHS ‘12-’15, ECHS ‘15-Present) Where can you find me during the year? - Wesley Annex (1421 South Baxter Ave.), Office in the Library, Room 305 (when TJC is not in session, but TISD is) Why do I believe in RD? - I believe that the way we’ve handled student discipline in the past doesn’t work (punitive). I believe we need to focus on redeeming individuals, restoring relationships, and increasing peer accountability.

4 Create a piece of C-Note Paper
Write the following question in the Essential Question box at the top: How can Restorative Discipline change the climate and culture of a campus, and what are the benefits of using the RD system? Respond to the following quick write prompt: What is the best way to handle/deal with student discipline issues? If you could change how they are handled/dealt with, what would you change AND why? As we watch this video, take notes in the right box


6 Post Video Reflection/Tag Teaming C-Notes
Take one (1) minute and read over the notes that you took during the video about Restorative Discipline in the Chicago Public Schools Take two (2) minutes to turn to your shoulder partner and discuss what you wrote in your notes and what caught your attention in the video Share out

7 What words or phrases stick out to you? What questions do you have?
What RD is... Relational approach to building school climate and addressing student behavior that fosters belonging over exclusion, social engagement over control, and meaningful accountability over punishment Questions we ask in RD: What happened? What were you thinking at the time? What have you thought about since? Who has been impacted and how have they been impacted? What ideas do you have to make things right? What words or phrases stick out to you? What questions do you have?

8 What RD is not... New form of punishment/Total replacement of current forms of discipline management (ex - there are still legal issues that could result in a stay at DAEP/removal from ECHS) Silver bullet to fix all student behavior issues Placing blame Way to avoid consequences Non RD-questions: What rule was broken? Who did it? What is the punishment?

9 Values What is a value (not numbers)?
Why is it important for us to have values as individuals? Groups? Families? Communities? What is your core value? (i.e. the one thing you believe in the most above all other things) Examples - Honesty is key. Family comes first. Write your core value on your piece of C-note paper

10 Stand-Share-Sit Everyone stand up and hold your C-note paper
Share your name (first and last) and your core value Sit down once you have shared your core value

11 What do you notice about these statements?
Affective Statements What do you notice about these statements?

12 Day 2 - RD/Circles 101 Welcome back!
Mr. Arrington Summer Bridge 2018

13 Everyone needs a writing utensil
English 1 Solutions Everyone needs a writing utensil Grade your own essay on a scale 1 (weakest) to 5 (best) honest! Switch with your shoulder partner. Shoulder partner will do the same How do you feel when you get an essay/assignment back and it’s covered in red pen? (observations/questions instead)

14 Discuss the following quick write prompt with your shoulder partner:
As you come in... You need the following supplies: C-note from Day 1 (notes from the video and your core value) Writing utensil (if you borrow one of mine, please leave it at the end of class) Name tent from AVID Discuss the following quick write prompt with your shoulder partner: Look back at your core value from Day 1. Why did you pick that core value? Are there any other important values that you want to add to your notes?

15 Name Tent Get out your name tent from AVID
Bring your name tent to the circle with you Place it on the floor in front of your feet so everyone can see it

16 Time to rearrange the furniture!
The following things need to happen carefully, quickly, and quietly: Tables need to be pushed up against the walls Chairs need to be set up in a circle with NO extra chairs

17 RD Circles 101 Today’s Agenda: Introduction and Welcome
Experiencing the Circle: Purpose, Role of the Circle Keeper, Guidelines, Ask Opening Round 1 Round 2 Circle Guidelines: Respect the talking piece Speak from the heart Listen from the heart What happens in the circle stays in the circle Trust you will know what to say Say just enough

18 Post Circle Reflection
Complete this sentence stem: My thoughts about this activity are ______________________________________________. I think this because ___________________________________________________.


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