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Nutritional research tools harmonized with EuroFIR recommendations used in food composition information systems   Maria Glibetic, Mirjana Gurinovic, Agnes.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutritional research tools harmonized with EuroFIR recommendations used in food composition information systems   Maria Glibetic, Mirjana Gurinovic, Agnes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutritional research tools harmonized with EuroFIR recommendations used in food composition information systems   Maria Glibetic, Mirjana Gurinovic, Agnes Kadvan, Jelena Milesevic, Marina Nikolic, Romana Novakovic EuroFIR NEXUS 2nd annual meeting and conference, March 5-6, 2013 Ljubljana, Slovenia

2 Definition Nutritional tools are valuable tools in food and nutrition research used to link basics of balanced nutrition with detailed performance benefits of carbohydrates, fat, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals. For instance: dietary intake assessment, nutritional daily planner, fiber calculator, BMI index, heart rate moderator, burn meter…etc. Nutritional Tools are valuable tools in food and nutrition research used to link basics of balanced nutrition with detailed performance benefits of carbohydrates, fat, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals. For example: dietary intake assessment, nutritional daily planner, fiber calculator, BMI index, heart rate moderator, burn meter…etc.

3 Innovative technologies for measuring diet in nutritional epidemiology
Review and evaluation of innovative technologies for measuring diet in nutritional epidemiology. Six main groups of innovative technologies were identified: Personal Digital Assistant Mobile-phone Interactive computer Web-Camera- and tape-recorder Scan- and sensor–based technologies EFSA project-Dietary monitoring tools for risk assessment –IMR-systematic review of the literature on dietary intake nutritional tools and methods of dietary data collection -in progress *Source: A-K Illner at al, Review and evaluation of innovative technologies for measuring diet in nutritional epidemiology, International Journal of Epidemiology 2012;41:1187–1203

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Objective Due to identified shortfall of standardized methodology and tools in dietary surveys and information on traditional foods in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries and Balkan region, development of harmonized nutritional tools are of great importance for food composition information systems including traditional foods and overall nutrition research of the region. 31/03/2017 Your name - Name of your institution (change this on Slide Master)

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Methods Development DIET-ASSESS with Open Data Base Connection (ODBC): incorporation of any external food composition databases from EuroFIR Database Platform (27 databases harmonized with EuroFIR technical annex) use of e-Search function nutritional recommendation dataset : NutriRecQuest web tool (micronutrient recommendations), WHO /other recommendations and nutrition population goals Inputs: - nutritional questionnaires (24HDR, FFQ, standards food record) nutrition planning (recipes, meals, menus) Outputs: variable functions that use data from FCDB and micronutrient recommendations to compute 31/03/2017 Your name - Name of your institution (change this on Slide Master)

6 EC projects and CENM link with Nutritional tools
EuroFIR- European Food Information Resource Network (NoE), FP6, EuroFIR – Nexus- EuroFIR Food Platform: further integration, refinement and exploitation for its long-term self- sustainability, FP7, EURRECCA - Harmonising nutrient recommendations across Europe with special focus on vulnerable groups and consumer understanding (NoE), FP6, 2012- EFSA- “Updated food composition database for nutrient intake” CENM - Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism, Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia,

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Results: DIET-ASSESS is connected with Serbian FCDB and EuroFIR- Nexus Regional FCDB (with traditional recipes) - Balkan platform, both using web based Food Comp Data Management (FCDM) application. On the other side, it retains NutriRecQuest- web tool, to enable nutritional assessment of planned menu/diet or dietary intake based on 24HRD.Outputs are reports (on personal, population, national level) on nutritive values of energy, macronutrients and micronutrients; food consumption etc.It allows graphic review and export to Excel format for further statistic analysis in SSP, SPSS, SPSS, etc. Zasto ovde ne bismo ubacili onu vasu sjajnu semu za DIET ASSESS. Slide 19.. Bilo bi efektivnije! 31/03/2017 Your name - Name of your institution (change this on Slide Master)

8 Food Comp Data Management (FCDM)- software web based application
for creation of FCDB (national/regional) : EuroFIR Technical Annex and recommendations LanguaL EFSA FoodEx2 Data overview through the websites: search (for mobile devices)

9 Web based application-Food Comp Data Management (FCDM)
Value Baza namirnica, koja sadrži preko 1000 namirnica tipičnih za naš region, je formirana u skladu sa smernicama standarda Evropskog projekta EuroFIR. Svaka namirnica pored podataka o imenu i nutritivnoj vrednosti (energetska vrednost, belančevine, masti, ugljeni hidrati, dijetna vlakna, masne kiseline, holesterol, vitamini, makro i mikronutrienti, itd i podatak o zadržavanju vrednosti mikronutrienata tokom procesa pripreme) sadrži i cenu koštanja, poreklo i grupu namirnice. Bazu je moguće ažurirati i unositi nove namirnice sa sadržajem nutritivnih elementa i faktora zadržavanja odnosno gubljenja mikronutrienata tokom procesa pripreme. Method Reference

10 Food Comp Data Management (FCDM) – Recipe calculation
Input of composite dishes -recipes PROCEDURE INGREDIENTS & COOKING METHODS

11 EuroFIR AISBL -
EuroFIR eSearch 13 food groups 23 languages EuroFIR AISBL -

12 EuroFIR - FoodBasket

13 Nutritional tools More then 20,000 recommendations for micronutrients!
Current micronutrient recommendations for 29 Micronutrients: Vitamin A, C, D, E, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pyridoxine, Cobalamin, Folic acid, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Phosphorus, Selenium, Iodine More then 20,000 recommendations for micronutrients! Free available 37 European & 8 non-European countries/organizations/regions USA/Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, China, South-Korea, South East Asia and Australia/New-Zealand 13

14 Nutri-RecQuest data base Web application with underling Standard Query Language (SQL) database
Current micronutrient recommendations for: - 37 European & 8 non-European countries/organizations/regions - 29 Micronutrients In total, over 20,000 recommendations concerning micronutrients The following measures and concepts are included: 1. Recommended intake levels: Individual Nutrient Levels (INL97,5) a.k.a. Recommended Daily Allowances- RDA, Population Reference Intakes and Reference Intakes Adequate Intakes (AIs) a.k.a. Acceptable Intake and Safe Intake, Adequate ranges a.k.a. Acceptable Range and Safe Intake Range 2. Average Nutrient Requirements (ANRs)* 3. Upper Limits (ULs).* * For selection of countries/organisations only: i.e. USA, Canada, the Netherlands, Nordics, Dach, EC, WHO/FAO, France, UK; In 2007/2008 data on current recommendations (i.e. for vitamins A, D, E, K, C, thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), cobalamin (B12), folic acid (B11), biotin, choline, calcium, chromium copper, fluoride iron, iodine, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, pantothenic acid, phosphorus potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc) were entered into a database for 37 European countries/organizations and 8 key non-European countries/regions.

15 Functionality: Search & Compare; Display & Print & Export
Before use read help and info! Da li potreban ovaj slide, u predhodnom navodimo sve sto je ovde? 15

16 Nutri-RecQuest offers valuable and comprehensive data on micronutrient recommendations from European and key non-European countries, for bodies responsible for setting recommendations and for users of recommendations i.e. scientists, policy makers, health professionals and dietary supplements and food industry. WHO Europe will use in future the data base! Freely available! Access via & FP7-EURODISH project - Study on the need for food and health research infrastructures in Europe- continuation in data base update Reference: Cavelaars A E J M, Kadvan A, Doets E L, Tepšić J, Novaković R, Dhonukshe-Rutten R, M Renkema, Glibetić M, Bucchini L, Matthys C, Smith R, Van't Veer P, De Groot C P G M and Gurinović M. Nutri-RecQuest: a web-based search engine on current micronutrient recommendations, Eur J Clin Nutr (2010 ) 64: S43-S47;

17 Web tool for extraction of data on nutritional adequacy intake, status and its determinants

18 Foods with nutritive values DISHES

19 Diet Assess tool-Software for dietary assessment
Outputs – reports- harmonized with EFSA & guidelines Inputs – external databases REPORTS/PERSON/POPULATION GROUP/NATIONAL LEVEL NUTRITIVE VALUES FOR PLANNED RECIPES, MEALS, MENUS FOOD GROUPS CONSUMPTION -EuroFIR &FOODEX CLASSIFICATION NUTRITIVE VALUES FOR CONSUMED FOODS AND MEALS IN QUESTIONNAIRE ENERGY , MACRONUTRIENTS VALUES; MICRONUTRIENTS FOOD GROUP CONTRIBUTION IN TOTAL ENERGY, PROTEIN, FAT AND CARBOHYDRATES DISTRIBUTON OF PROTEIN AND FAT BETWEEN VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL SOURCE OF FOODS LIST AND AMOUNT OF ALL INGREDIENTS • COMPARING WITH NUTRIENT RECOMMENDATIONS NUTRIENT ADEQUACY ASSESMENT REGARDING RECOMMENDATIONS +++other reports Diet Assess &Plan tool Serbian Food Composition data base (FCDB)* Balkan Regional FCDB Data base of regional traditional recipes ( Foods with nutritive values/100g, Langual & EFSA FooEx2 codes, cooking methods, yield &retention factors, etc Harmonized with EuroFIR technical standards NUTRITION PLANNING (recipes, meals, menus, average menus) 24h RECALL QUESTIONNAIRE (1 day + 2 day+7ay) EuroFIR FCDB Link to other FCDB with eSearch FFQ questionnaire NutriRecquest – micronutrient recommendation database ( WHO /other recommendations and population goals dietary guidelines for individuals DIET-ASSESS-Data entry (24h recall &FFQ) and dietary assessment tool

20 Serbian and/or regional FCDB
DIET ASSESS - nutrient intake questionnaire - nutrition planning (recipes, meals, menus) calculate the nutritive values compare with recommendations

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CENM nutritional tools usage experience in national and international projects Created the first online Serbian and Regional FCDB harmonized with EuroFIR recommendations - Food Comp Data Management (FCDM) tool National project of Ministry of Science Republic of Serbia: „Intake, status and biological action of folate and PUFA: Improvement of Nutrition in Serbia“ (No. III ) Bilateral project with Croatia: “Folate status in populations at risk: young adult women of reproductive age and elderly” ( ) YUSAD study (Yugoslav study of precursors of atherosclerosis in schoolchildren and adult members) , NUTQ - Version1 of DIETASSESS  programme CHANCE- FP7- ”Low Cost tecHnologies and traditional ingredients for the production of Affordable, Nutritionally correct, Convenient foods enhancing hEalth in population groups at risk of poverty” ( ROMANA DODAJ ADEQUACY ASSEMENT GREY LIT.... 31/03/2017 Your name - Name of your institution (change this on Slide Master)

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Conclusion DIET-ASSESS and other incorporated nutritional tools were used in national and international projects and they have essential role in future nutritional research in the region for capacity development. 31/03/2017 Your name - Name of your institution (change this on Slide Master)

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