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What was the largest empire in the history of mankind?

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Presentation on theme: "What was the largest empire in the history of mankind?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What was the largest empire in the history of mankind?
Nope…not the Romans Close..but not Alexander’s Greek Hellenistic Empire Persians….nah Not the Mughals…or the Ottomons… No, Not the Aztecs…

2 Mongols

3 Review List the places we have learned this year that have been invaded by the Mongols-

4 By total area: British Empire (1922), 33
By total area: British Empire (1922), 33.7 million square km spread all over the world By contiguous (unbroken) area: Mongol Empire (ca 1300), 33.0 million sq. km By% of world population: Persian Empire (ca. 480 BC), 44% By % of world GDP: USA (1945) 33%


6 Nomadic herders & warriors

7 Skilled horsemen Expert warriors on horseback Stirrups-

8 Rival Mongol clans fought each other ____________________

9 Genghiz Khan The chieftain that united all the Mongol clans

10 The Golden Horde Forced conquered people to pay TRIBUTE! ?

11 Walled cities Mongols had a problem getting inside the walled cities of China Incorporated canons in his arsenal

12 Territories Mongols took northern China, Russia, and Muslim lands

13 Pax Mongolia What does PAX mean? Protected the road across Eurasia
Cultural diffusion

14 Kublai Khan Genghiz Khan’s grandson Took over the Song dynasty

15 Yuan Dynasty Mongol dynasty
Only allowed Mongols in the military and government

16 Marco Polo Visits China during Kublai Khan’s rule

The Yuan Dynasty is overthrown by the Ming dynasty Chinese dynasty Restored the civil service test, and Confucian Ideals ZHU YUANZHANG


19 Zheng He 1405 62 large ships & hundreds of smaller ships
25,000 sailors Prime directive: to promote trade and collect tribute

20 South East Asia S.E. Asia India Red Sea Persian Gulf

21 Zheng He dies Ethnocentric? COST?? 1433 Ming outlaws sea-ship building
Why? Ethnocentric? COST??

22 Why? High cost & little return Ethnocentrism WEAKENS CHINA !!!

23 60 years later….. Christopher Columbus sails from Spain WHAT IF???

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