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Unit 1 Week 3.

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1 Unit 1 Week 3

2 Warm up Monday September 11th
You need to write down the questions and answers in your warm up. You have 3 minutes after the bell rings to complete the warm up. What is the difference between Birth Rate and Literacy Rate? How do you measure longitude and latitude? **VOCAB TEST TOMORROW** Texas A&M 24 Nicholls State 14

3 Longitude vs Latitude LATITUDE Line of Latitude are measured from zero to 90 degrees north latitude and from zero to 90 degrees south latitude The Equator is zero (0) degrees of latitude. Longitude The Prime Meridian, or Greenwich Meridian is zero (0) degrees Longitude. Longitude is measured from 0-180º east and west from the Prime Meridian

4 Culture Vocab Review Culture – the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular group Culture region – a spatial area that is characterized by a population that shares common beliefs, history, language, customs, and traditions Cultural landscape – the physical qualities that reflect the culture of a particular place Culture trait – a characteristic, such as language, beliefs, food, or customs that is shared by a group

5 New Culture Vocab (Not on tomorrow's test)
Cultural Diffusion: The spreading out of culture, culture traits, or a cultural pattern from a central point. Cultural Borrowing: Taking ideas and practices from one culture, ethnic group, or religion. Multiculturalism: Different cultures within a society

6 Performance Assessment 2 Culture Dictionary
Create a culture traits illustrated dictionary. The dictionary should include all 7 culture vocab words Each entry should include a definition, an illustration in color, a sentence in which the word is used and an example. Words: Culture, Cultural Region, Cultural Landscape, Cultural Trait, Multiculturalism, Cultural Borrowing, Cultural Diffusion

7 Warm up Tuesday September 12 2017
You need to write down the questions and answers in your warm up. You have 3 minutes after the bell rings to complete the warm up. What is an example of cultural borrowing? Why is Texas a cultural region?

8 Warm up Thursday September 14th
You need to write down the questions and answers in your warm up. You have 3 minutes after the bell rings to complete the warm up. What is the definition of cultural borrowing? Define GDP in your own words.

9 Country Aggie 1% increase in GDP 3rd largest GDP 98% Birth Rate
Economy? Country Aggie 1% increase in GDP 3rd largest GDP 98% Birth Rate 99.4% literacy rate Country Bearcat 8% increase in GDP 18th largest GDP 91% Birth Rate 88% literacy Rate Country Cougar 1% increase in GDP 57th largest GDP 74% Birth Rate 63% literacy Rate Which country has a developed ( large and modernized economy) Which country has a developing ( growing from underdeveloped to developed) Which country has an underdeveloped economy ( poor, third world) What country is similar to country Aggie? What country is similar to country Bobkat? What country is similar to country Cougar?

10 Institutions Institutions: long-standing practices, traditions, or customs that regulate a group 4 basic Institutions: Education, Religion, Government, and Economy

11 Education Refers to the practices a society uses to pass on cultural and societal norms from one generation to the next; could include formal as well as informal schooling How a society teaches their culture, knowledge and behaviors to the next generation

12 Economics Refers to the practices that a society employs to provide for basic needs; could include bartering, trading, agricultural practices, and money-based economic activities How people make a living and provide for their living

13 Government Refers to a society’s system for creating rules and social order Who makes the laws, how much power do they have, what do they do to improve the lives of the citizens and protect them

14 refers to societal practices that relate to belief systems
Religion refers to societal practices that relate to belief systems

15 The Republic of Aggieland
Read the article by yourself. Do not talk when you are reading. The articles are class sets, so do not write on them.

16 Republic of Aggieland Article
Read the article about the Republic of Aggieland. Answer the below questions in your journal in complete sentences over the Republic of Aggieland. What is their main religion? What rules does the government have? What is their education like? Do they have a developed, developing or underdeveloped economy? Explain how you got your answer What is an example of a cultural trait in the Republic of Aggieland? What is an example of a cultural landscape in Republic of Aggieland? Using clues from the article what real country is the Republic of Aggieland?

17 Warm up Friday September 14th
You need to write down the questions and answers in your warm up. You have 3 minutes after the bell rings to complete the warm up. What are the 3 economic indicators? What is the difference between latitude and longitude?

18 You have 20 minutes to complete the test Review
You can use your notes and your partner for help.

19 We will now go over the answers
Test Review CTD We will now go over the answers If you chose the incorrect answer, make sure you change it.

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