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Introduction to Engineering Brainstorming for Team Project Lab 1 – 1

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1 Introduction to Engineering Brainstorming for Team Project Lab 1 – 1
Agenda Discuss ways to sort the three objects Make sketches of the sorting system Lab 1 - 1

2 Lab 1 Report Brainstorm to develop at least four ideas for sorting 3 types of objects. Select & report 3 best ideas for the complete sorting system Report to be typed except for sketches. Content of team report – Cover page. List of ideas with written description of the 3 best ones – One page each. Sketches of the best ideas Students should follow the format for lab report exactly. Failure to do so will result in points lost. We need to assign a unique number to each team for our own record keeping. Suggest format of 1M9:30 (for team#,day,time). Students can replace the number with a more creative name. Name should be appropriate for printing in a newspaper. These projects sometimes get media coverage. Sketches should be good enough for someone not on the team to understand how the proposed system works. Neatly printed notes on the drawing to aid understanding are encouraged. Lab 1 - 1

3 Design Project During the second semester of Introduction to Engineering, you work with one team. Your team will design, build, and test a conveyor/sorter system to sort recyclables. You will be expected to complete weekly assignments, keep a project notebook, show that your conveyor works, and document your design well enough to allow another team to build it. Lab 1 - 1

4 Assignment Think about sorting devices.
Try to improve on the ideas your team developed in class. Read all materials on the design-build project and be prepared to ask questions on areas that are unclear.

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